44K vs 96K and so on

joe atanacio joesoundguy at gmail.com
Fri May 30 23:08:45 BST 2008

I think I can hear the difference too but to be honest I've never been put
threw a double blind test to see if I really am right.

at the end of the day the point I was hoping to make is for the many of our
projects, 44K works fine.

In the spirit of cost effective solutions like Ubuntu Studio, 44K is less
demanding on the systems.  So we should be able to get less powerful and
less expensive systems to work well.

For those of us who want to use a higher sampling rate....go for it!  But
for those of us who wont, no worries.


On Fri, May 30, 2008 at 2:05 PM, Andrew Oikle <aoikle at gmail.com> wrote:

> I clearly hear the difference when I record my music at 48khz vs. 44.1khz.
> Another extremely important thing to know about sampling rates and
> multitrack recording and effect plug-in chains (a mastering engineer told
> me), is data bits get mangled in the process, so the higher the sampling
> rate the more accurate interpolation you get.  He basically told me, I
> should have recorded my project at least at 48khz but ideally 96khz.  It
> sounds like the article only applies to two track final mixdowns.  I still
> hear a difference.
> On Fri, May 30, 2008 at 12:35 PM, Pietro Bergamo <
> bergamopietro at yahoo.com.br> wrote:
>> Very interesting!
>> Do you have the article by Moran/Meyer?
>> ----- Mensagem original ----
>> De: joe atanacio <joesoundguy at gmail.com>
>> Para: Ubuntu Studio Users Help and Discussion <
>> Ubuntu-Studio-users at lists.ubuntu.com>
>> Enviadas: Quinta-feira, 29 de Maio de 2008 1:49:42
>> Assunto: 44K vs 96K and so on
>> Hey folks for all of the fretting we do recording at various sampling
>> rates with all kinds of hardware I thought the group would appreciate this
>> article. It may help us make some decisions as we buy stuff to do stuff.
>> http://mixonline.com/recording/mixing/audio_emperors_new_sampling/
>> --
>> Joe
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