Video card suggestions?

Petter Duvander petter.duvander at
Mon May 5 18:48:06 BST 2008

>  > I personally use a Hauppauge TV card.   It has S-Video, RCA, and coax
>  > inputs, it also does not matter what my primary video card is.
>  >
>  > Just my 2c,
>  hi, if you have a dv camera recorder, it's possible to connect your old analogic
>  source with cinch connexion to the dv cam recorder, use the dv encoding inside
>  to record with  a firewire card inside your computer using dvgrab and kino. It's
>  work fine.
>  There is also external encoder to DV, but there are expensive...
>  more infos here, but in french :

OK, so if I feel like buying a $700 camera, plus an expensive firewire
card, I'll think about that option. ;)

Hauppage also seems a little overkill, but I'll look into that a bit more.

Anyone with more of a lowbudget version?

/ Petter

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