Manual for MuseScore (mscore) in Hardy?

Cory K. coryisatm at
Sun Mar 23 15:02:07 GMT 2008

Joseph Wakeling wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm running the Kubuntu Hardy beta on my machine and, following an
> install of the ubuntustudio-audio set of packages, was delighted to
> discover the mscore score-creation package.
> There's one niggle: the "Manual" option in the help menu generates an
> error message,
>  "MuseScore manual not found at: /usr/share/mscore-0.9/doc/man-en.pdf"
> I note there's no mscore-doc package in the repositories.  So what's the
> issue here?  I noticed the version contains a 'dfsg' so are there issues
> with the manual's licensing and Debian guidelines?
> Also, an unrelated question, mostly for curiosity's sake.  Is there any
> reason why I shouldn't use the realtime kernel when running (K)ubuntu
> for non-studio-related stuff?  Are there use-cases when it's a bad idea?
> Many thanks and Happy Easter,
>     -- Joe

I'll get on this right away.

-Cory \m/

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