Emu 1212M

Gary Ball gball at cogeco.ca
Sat Mar 22 13:01:28 GMT 2008

It would help if I pasted the link, Huh? ;-P


Gary Ball


On 21-Mar-08, at 9:02 PM, Margot Copeland wrote:

> In 7.04 a reinstall gave me audio! I was NOT thinking in that 7.10,  
> with a clean install would do the same as the previous version. Nope.
> Although, after the update of 7.04....I lost my desktop.
> I'd LOVE to have Ubuntu Studio work for me, as I'm not able to  
> afford any of the mainstream audio programs, but this is just too  
> much futzing around with code/terminal to make it usable for even  
> home projects.
> Maybe some day, Linux will fulfill it's promise to the "non  
> techhie" musician....
> Till then...
> -- 
> "The "T" in Margot is silent (pronounced MAR-go) I, on the other  
> hand, am NOT
> :-)
> -- 
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