question about ogg/ogv

mdesigner at mdesigner at
Wed Jul 23 00:15:17 BST 2008

and so on......

and so take about yooour=self  waht does what is it was ? and what is about
contenaire ?
> >
> >
> > Is there something official for ogv, because none of all the video
> > editing software under GNU/Linux is creating ogv container, only ogg.
> >
> > Thank's for your answers,
> >
> > Laurent
> >
> Haha! Subject near and dear to my heart. :) .ogv is an ogg container.
> It's just a MIME difference AFAIK.
> Here's info:
> So you should be able to just name it .ogv and be fine. This is also
> what I was told for audio ad well on the #vorbis channel.
> -Cory
> --
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