Subject: Re: many problems after upgrade to Hardy

Cory K. coryisatm at
Wed Jul 16 21:15:41 BST 2008

Paul DeShaw wrote:
> In Hardy on the MacBook, the device works out of the box--I can record
> and play back audio, control soft synths, and record MIDI data in
> Rosegarden.   The only thing is realtime doesn't work on the Mac yet,
> so it's pretty useless--lots and lots of xruns.  That's why I was
> hopeful that upgrading to Hardy on the desktop, which has no problem
> with realtime, would finally make the whole studio functional.  I
> guess I have a few more (dozens of ) hours of tweaking to do.

I'm going to suggest a clean reinstall of Ubuntu Studio-Hardy on the box
in question *if* you really wanna see if it's the HW or your
configuration. Feisty->Gutsy->Hardy. Many things could have happened
over this time frame.

-Cory K.

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