Subject: Re: many problems after upgrade to Hardy

Gustin Johnson gustin at
Wed Jul 16 17:11:15 BST 2008

Hash: SHA1

Paul DeShaw wrote:
|     On  Wed, 16 Jul 2008, "Paul DeShaw" wrote:
|     OK, I think I know the problem.  After I ran update-grub, the report
|     showed the new kernels were found and added to the list, but then they
|     still didn't appear on the grub menu when I rebooted.  That's because
|     this is a multi-boot system, and the MBR is pointed to the last
|     installation, which I had hand-edited to include the other two
|     partitions.  I had forgotten that I was actually using the grub list
|     from Musix to boot Ubuntu.
| Here's an update.  Please note that since I receive a digest, there
| could be a reply in the pipeline I haven't seen yet.
| I was able to copy and paste from Ubuntu's /boot/grub/menu.lst to
| Musix's /boot/grub/menu.lst, so I am able to boot the Hardy kernel.
| All the previous problems are still there, with the addition that my USB
| audio/MIDI interface/keyboard controller is no longer detected by
| JACK.   Longtime readers may recall that I was able to use this device
| as a soundcard and audio interface under Feisty and Gutsy, but that its
| MIDI port was not detected.  A 'quirk' was added to the kernel which
| finally made it to Ubuntu with Hardy, enabling MIDI on this specific
| device.  In Hardy on the MacBook, the device works out of the box--I can
| record and play back audio, control soft synths, and record MIDI data in
| Rosegarden.   The only thing is realtime doesn't work on the Mac yet, so
| it's pretty useless--lots and lots of xruns.  That's why I was hopeful
| that upgrading to Hardy on the desktop, which has no problem with
| realtime, would finally make the whole studio functional.  I guess I
| have a few more (dozens of ) hours of tweaking to do.

What are the hardware specs of your desktop and what soundcard/midi
controller are you using?  Do you have any extra boot options in your
menu.lst (eg. noacpi or some such)?

You mentioned that you had 64Studio installed, does it fare any better
with your hardware?  I have 64Studio on my Desktop and Ubuntu for my
laptop and am familiar (and happy) with both distros.
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