JACK almost working

Norio De Sousa norio at maxiware.co.za
Tue Jul 8 04:29:16 BST 2008

2008/7/7 Joe Bain <mrjoebain at gmail.com>:

> Glad I could help, I remember being stuck on this problem myself. As for
> xruns, i get quite a few, about 1 a minute, it was better before 8.04 but
> i've not been able to get my setup back to it's old performance. I should
> probably get in the habit of not using gnome when i'm doing music, the
> difference when using something like fluxbox can be quite dramatic.

Hey Joe :)

Glad to report that I'm one happy Jack camper!  Can't believe that something
so simple eluded me for so long.  Ridiculous!  You're a lifesaver.

Will definitely give a lighter WM a go.  I used to us xubuntu a while ago,
so maybe I'll start using XFCE for my recording account.  Thanks for the
suggestion.  What's your site/blog/whatever.  I'd like to link to you so
people can see the real brains behind my success here :P

I'll be posting this on www.norio.co.za and www.guitarforum.co.za (where I
have a thread going on recording guitar in Linux as affordable as
possible).  I'm hoping to, like you, save people from the same hassles I
went through to get something recorded!  There's so much genius out there
(currently stuck on Windows) that, if we can just help them out a little,
the Linux music scene can grow exponentially!

By the way, Jack-Rack with Caps LADSPA plugins is pretty darned awesome!
They simulate, for example, Bassman '59s and so on.  And it actually has a
pretty cool valve-y sound.  I'm uber impressed.  Just wish I understood how
it works so I could code something up (say something along the lines of a
Mesa Boogie :D) but, alas, I don't think my PHP skillz will cut it ;)

> And to Carla, sorry you haven't got it working yet. How far have you gotten
> and what happens when you try to run jack? I'm no expert but I'm sure
> someone can help you out.

Yup, Carla, let us know.  Let's see if we can help.  Jack can be quite a
pain in the butt till you understand how it all fits together and stuff.
Then it's child's play, really.

(Waves at Cory.  Hi :D)

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