JACK almost working

Joe Bain mrjoebain at gmail.com
Mon Jul 7 16:10:58 BST 2008

Glad I could help, I remember being stuck on this problem myself. As for
xruns, i get quite a few, about 1 a minute, it was better before 8.04 but
i've not been able to get my setup back to it's old performance. I should
probably get in the habit of not using gnome when i'm doing music, the
difference when using something like fluxbox can be quite dramatic.

And to Carla, sorry you haven't got it working yet. How far have you gotten
and what happens when you try to run jack? I'm no expert but I'm sure
someone can help you out.


2008/7/7 Norio De Sousa <norio at maxiware.co.za>:

> Yup!  That was a huge help!  Thanks :)
> Biggest difference is that I was using specifics (like hw:1,0) instead of
> the general interface (hw:1).  Probably explains it all.
> How are your xruns with this setup?
> Thanks again Joe!  You're a lifesaver!!
> Norio
> www.norio.co.za
> 2008/7/7 Joe Bain <mrjoebain at gmail.com>:
>> Hi sorry for the late reply. There is a screenshot here<http://adam-a.co.uk/jack-setup.jpg>of my setup. Important things are highlighted: in blue, use the '>' buttons
>> to select a different input and output (mine were 'hw:1    XioSynth' for
>> input and 'hw:0    Intel ICH6' for output). And in red, I had to set
>> periods/buffers to 8 otherwise jack would crash, this may be different for
>> different devices though.
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