JACK almost working

Carla poppinlockin at yahoo.com.au
Mon Jul 7 15:19:48 BST 2008

Doesn't matter what I try after many months I still haven't got Jack working. I wish someone would persist in helping me. Carla

--- On Tue, 8/7/08, Norio De Sousa <norio at maxiware.co.za> wrote:
From: Norio De Sousa <norio at maxiware.co.za>
Subject: Re: JACK almost working
To: "Ubuntu Studio Users Help and Discussion" <ubuntu-studio-users at lists.ubuntu.com>
Received: Tuesday, 8 July, 2008, 12:17 AM

Yup!  That was a huge help!  Thanks :)

Biggest difference is that I was using specifics (like hw:1,0) instead of the general interface (hw:1).  Probably explains it all.

How are your xruns with this setup?

Thanks again Joe!  You're a lifesaver!!


2008/7/7 Joe Bain <mrjoebain at gmail.com>:

Hi sorry for the late reply. There is a screenshot here of my setup. Important things are highlighted: in blue, use the '>' buttons to select a different input and output (mine were 'hw:1    XioSynth' for input and 'hw:0    Intel ICH6' for output). And in red, I had to set periods/buffers to 8 otherwise jack would crash, this may be different for different devices though.

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