A bad experience ...

Christopher Stamper christopherstamper at gmail.com
Thu Jan 31 20:23:31 GMT 2008

Well, I just redid them. They were pretty simple at that time, so it wasn't
worth fixing.

Just irritating bugs with dynamics, velocity, etc.

On Jan 30, 2008 11:26 PM, Haig Dedeyan <hdedeyan at videotron.ca> wrote:

> On January 30, 2008 08:36:36 pm Haig Dedeyan wrote:
> > I agree that if you want something to work guaranteed, fork over a gob
> of
> > cash, and buy the real stuff.  Even if the real stuff doesn't actually
> > work, at least you'll be someone else's support problem.  I don't mean
> that
> > in a personal way directed at you, Christopher, just in general at any
> user
> > who really needs something to work guaranteed.
> > D. Michael McIntyre
> Even the real stuff, be it hardware or software, has issues regardless of
> how
> much it costs.
> Speaking from experience, the only equipment that are somewhat bug free
> are
> turnkey systems and even at that, if you deviate from the original
> configuration in any way, the support team will tell you sucks to be you,
> reload the initial configuration from a restore cd and then call us if you
> have problems, not to mention the few hundred bugs that are still open
> when
> the system is released.
> Haig
> --
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Christopher Stamper
christopherstamper at gmail.com
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