A bad experience ...

Haig Dedeyan hdedeyan at videotron.ca
Thu Jan 31 04:26:34 GMT 2008

On January 30, 2008 08:36:36 pm Haig Dedeyan wrote:

> I agree that if you want something to work guaranteed, fork over a gob of
> cash, and buy the real stuff.  Even if the real stuff doesn't actually
> work, at least you'll be someone else's support problem.  I don't mean that
> in a personal way directed at you, Christopher, just in general at any user
> who really needs something to work guaranteed.  
> D. Michael McIntyre

Even the real stuff, be it hardware or software, has issues regardless of how 
much it costs.

Speaking from experience, the only equipment that are somewhat bug free are 
turnkey systems and even at that, if you deviate from the original 
configuration in any way, the support team will tell you sucks to be you, 
reload the initial configuration from a restore cd and then call us if you 
have problems, not to mention the few hundred bugs that are still open when 
the system is released.


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