Need Help.. BAD!

Robin rc.rattusrattus at
Sat Jan 26 21:37:17 GMT 2008

On 25/01/2008, Ray Edester <Ray_Edester at> wrote:
> I don't know if this is the proper forum... But,
> I have upgraded my Ubuntu 6.06 LTS to Studio 7.1 using a CD brought to me
> by a friend.  (Former friend??)  :-)
> ALL works very well except;
> ALL GUI screens/sub-screens have TEXT shown only as clear blocks.  ie; 3x6
> (5x9?) pixelations(?)  Icon names and Kicker Line. This, of course,
> renders the desktop all but unusable.
> The SET command shows the path as;
> PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin
> I would certainly hate to have to reinstall 6.06 and lose a lot of work
> put
> into the OS over the year(s)!!!!
> If anyone has some ideas I could surely use them as this has gone on for
> nearly a week and I have gotten nowhere, so far.
> Tks,
> Ray
This sounds like gnome might be using old configuration files from your
/home/user/ directory.

NB! This will remove any settings e.g. backgrounds that you have set up

If you log out of X (gnome) hit Ctrl-Alt-F2 keys to get to a console and
login as yourself then enter

mv .gnome2 .gnome2.old
mv .gconf .gconf.old
mv .gconfd .gconfd.old

Hit Ctrl-Alt-F7 to get back to login screen

If the issue persists and you have a .gtkrc file in your home directory move
that out of the way.

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