midi control over plugins

simone www.io-sound.org cimo75 at gmail.com
Sun Apr 20 22:37:52 BST 2008

ok thanks
awesome just what i needed (and something more)

jack-rack for some reason is not installed with MIDI support on
UbuntuStudio, to get it working you need to install from sources but i haven
tbeen able to do so yet

isn t this to be considerd a bug of UbuntuStudio?


On Sun, Apr 20, 2008 at 1:04 AM, Hartmut Noack <zettberlin at linuxuse.de>

> Hash: SHA1
> simone www.io-sound.org schrieb:
> > hi
> > is there a way to MIDI control plugins without using a "main" host
> (ardour
> > etc) i mean for example, is it possible to control jackrack via midi?
> other
> > option?
> Alsa Modular Synth.
> It can host LADSPA, has own modules (utilities like mixers and
> synth-related stuff) and every parameter can be controlled via MIDI.
> To wire the parameters with MIDI-controllers first connect your
> controller-device or software with ams using the MIDI-panel of qjackctl,
> then open menu/view/control center.
> As you turn a knob or move a slider its ID lights up in the left panel
> of this window. You can now mark the ID and a Parameter-ID of your
> liking, click "Bind" to connect them and don't forget to save the patch
> before closing ;-).
> The website looks a bit abandoned but fortunately Malte Steiner has
> taken over the maintainance/developement of ams, so we can hope for a
> great future for ams...
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
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> =I2Qt
> --
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.wmv , .wma , .pps along with all proprietary Windows formats won t be
accepted and/or viewed.
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