Ubuntu-Studio-users Digest, Vol 7, Issue 56

Yvan Vander Sanden yvan at youngmusic.org
Sun Dec 16 01:20:22 GMT 2007

Paul DeShaw wrote:
> Hi,
> My keyboard is not doing this; what keyboard layout should I choose in 
> Systems->preverences->keyboards to get this feature?
That depends on the keyboard you have. In any case, you'd have to choose 
a variant with 'dead keys'.

> Like  Yvan, I also have an M-Audio Ozone, but I have been struggling 
> for over a year to get it to work properly in Linux.  You are lucky 
> yours works. If you think you can help, please see this thread:
> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=148467&page=5 
> <http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=148467&page=5>
> I have stumped everybody on every forum and mail list I have tried.  
> Maybe it is just time for new hardware?
I don't know if i mentioned the instructions on my website: 
http://youngmusic.org/wiki/index.php/M-Audio_Ozone  ?

Did you try the command 'asoundconf list'? Is the ozone mentioned there?



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