M-Audio Ozone

Paul DeShaw pauldeshaw at gmail.com
Sun Dec 16 23:40:25 GMT 2007

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Yvan Vander Sanden wrote:

Paul DeShaw wrote:

>> Like  Yvan, I also have an M-Audio Ozone, but I have been struggling
>> for over a year to get it to work properly in Linux.  You are lucky
>>yours works. If you think you can help, please see this thread:
>> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=148467&page=5
>> <http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=148467&page=5>
>> I have stumped everybody on every forum and mail list I have tried.
>> Maybe it is just time for new hardware?

>I don't know if i mentioned the instructions on my website:
http://youngmusic.org/wiki/index.php/M-Audio_Ozone  ?

Pretty much what I have done already; it's all documented in the thread I
mentioned above.

>Did you try the command 'asoundconf list'? Is the ozone mentioned there?

Yes, it is listed as 'Academic'; I have set it as the default card.  Now,
all the system sounds and music players play through it, but Rosegarden is
silent. In  JACK,  there is no  mention of it in the Setup dialog; I am
guessing it is (default) because it is the default soundcard.  I set
(default) as both the in and out. In the Connect window, the MIDI tab does
not show a keyboard. It just has TiMidity and MIDI through.


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