[ubuntu-studio-devel] Pre-Installed Application Review

Jacek Konieczny jajcus at jajcus.net
Tue May 12 07:07:22 UTC 2020


On 11.05.2020 14:15, Peter Reppert wrote:
>     Len and I have discussed removing the Calf plugins from the default
>     install since lsp-plugins covers the things that Calf can do (and then
>     some), and Calf has a tendency to be prone to crashing when used in
>     Ardour.

I don't think that is still true. There were a few problems with Calf 
and Ardour, but AFAIK all have been fixed. I have not seen such a crash 
in a long time. And Calf plugins are really nice, especially the 'look 
and feel'. Worth to keep that.


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