[ubuntu-studio-devel] [ubuntu-studio-users] Ubuntu Studio 19.10 (Eoan Ermine) Beta Released

Mike Squires michael.leslie.squires at gmail.com
Sat Sep 28 20:47:15 UTC 2019

You're doing excellent work, and I'm quite happy with the 19.x version 
of Ubuntu Studio.

My main reason for reporting is that defect with 18.x, very slow 
operation with my rather complex dual quad core Xeon system, does not 
occur with 19.10.  I don't know how common dual quad core Xeon systems 
are out there.

This problem appears to be specific to the kernel mods provided with 
Ubuntu Studio 18 when run on my hardware; the problem doesn't appear in 
the 16.x version of Ubuntu Studio nor does it appear in any Xubuntu 
version I've used.  It also does not appear when any version of Ubuntu 
Studio is installed on simpler hardware (on an HP i7 Envy 17T or a Dell 
6320 i5 to be specific).

It did not appear, for reasons I can't find, when Ubuntu 18.x was 
updated with the backports PPA.  I didn't feel comfortable, however, 
using that version since I didn't know when, if ever, the problem would 
appear again.

Keep up the good work!

Mike Squires

Michael L. Squires, Ph.D., M.P.A.
546 North Park Ridge Road
Bloomington, IN 47408
"Michael Leslie Squires" on FB
Home phone: 812-333-6564
Cell phone: 812-369-5232
www.siralan.org (personal) or
www.smithgreensound.com (PA)
UN*X at home since 1985

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