[ubuntu-studio-devel] Checking in, a little vision, Calf & LMMS

Erich Eickmeyer erich at ericheickmeyer.com
Thu Jan 3 03:52:50 UTC 2019

On 1/2/2019 5:21 PM, Set Sakrecoer wrote:
> Maybe you have reverted to the old logo and I've just missed out, but
> on this wiki page there only seem to be the "corrrupt" version of the
> Ubuntu studio CoF FTR, The graphic lead from Xubuntu (the Nick is
> escaping my memory right now, sorry) corrected the distorted path seen
> in those available on the wiki page linked above during 16.04 cycle.
> It's been really difficult to remove the broken logo, so i'm not
> blaming anyone. I'll show you the latest versions first thing in the
> morning tomorrow. 
Thanks, Set! I'll await the correct version.
I didn't put that CoF on the Wiki, so chances are it's something left
over from Kaj's time (for all I know). That said, if you have a better
version (preferably in .svg) then we need to attach it to that page. I'd
be more than happy to do that once I have the correct version. :)

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