[ubuntu-studio-devel] Checking in, a little vision, Calf & LMMS
Erich Eickmeyer
erich at ericheickmeyer.com
Wed Jan 2 18:05:34 UTC 2019
Hi Thomas,
On 1/2/2019 9:53 AM, Thomas Pfundt wrote:
> Hi Erich and everyone else reading,
> a happy and successful new year to all of you, too!
> On Tuesday, January 1, 2019 7:39 PM, Erich Eickmeyer
> erich at ericheickmeyer.com <mailto:erich at ericheickmeyer.com>wrote:
> I hope everyone is having a happy new year. I haven't been checking-in
> lately due to a number of things going on in my life. First, it
> was work
> getting busy, then it was a bit of depression onset by my
> resigning said
> position (they pretty much promised me that I wouldn't ever have room
> for advancement or promotion, or even being full-time).
> I have also had experiences working in such positions and, without
> knowing your exact life situation, I would like offer a few words of
> encouragement by saying that although it may be difficult, it's not a
> bad choice to end such a condition in which you feel unable to move
> forward and I wish you the best of luck to find a better occupation soon!
Thanks for the encouraging words!
> Erich Eickmeyer wrote:
> I, for one, have started-in on ubuntustudio-installer.
> I have moved it from bzr to git, and I'm going to be working on
> adding a
> few entries that will enable it to be used on other flavors for
> installation of Ubuntu Studio-specific items, namely the
> swappiness and
> lowlatency kernel default selection in GRUB.
> Is there a comprehensive list of these changes somewhere? I'm only
> aware of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudioPreparation,
> but that doesn't include much information on the system configuration
> to for example comply with Linuxaudio.org's recommended
> scanner-script: https://github.com/raboof/realtimeconfigquickscan.
> I also remember reading about tweaks regarding the hardware timers on
> https://wiki.linuxaudio.org/wiki/system_configuration#timersthat
> weren't set on my Ubuntu Studio system and I believe, without being
> able to specify anything right now, that there were some other
> configuration options from there on that I adopted. I personally can't
> assess how important those changes are, but I remember reading
> something about the lowlatency kernel not being necessary anymore, as
> all patches had been included in generic at this point. While I don't
> know the details of that and would probably stay with it for safety,
> maybe some parts of the configuration could be in need of a review? I
> might be completely wrong, but that's just something I've been asking
> myself for a while.
Everything that Ubuntu Studio changes to the default install can be
found at https://git.launchpad.net/ubuntustudio-default-settings/tree/,
which is the ubuntustudio-default-settings package. Basically, it adds
files to /etc, /usr, and /lib, and you can browse those from that link.
That "Ubuntu Studio Preparation article is severely outdated as much, if
not all, of the configuration is done with ubuntustudio-default-settings
and ubuntustudio-controls. Len could chime-in for more details.
> Erich Eickmeyer wrote:
> The other thing, which I believe Thomas was working on, was
> changing our
> Plymouth boot theme. I'll admit, Plymouth quite over my head. Thomas,
> have you made any progress on this?
> I've had to consult with a friend of mine who's working as a
> programmer to get a basic understanding of how the themes work. I
> haven't touched it over the holidays, but I'll try to get something
> viewable together as soon as possible.
> By the way, if anybody has got specific ideas regarding the looks of
> it already, please feel free to share them with me. Now I guess would
> be the time to discuss any ideas.
My only ideas involve removing the tagline (we don't need it, and we're
the only flavor still referencing the old "Linux for Human Beings"
slogan), and updating the logo to be matching the official logo at
The wordmark is correct, but that spinning logo (while a cool idea) is
off-axis terribly. But, as far as I'm concerned, go nuts. It needs a
refresh like a monkey needs a banana.
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