[ubuntu-studio-devel] Git seeds (was - jack-mixer)

Len Ovens len at ovenwerks.net
Sun Oct 28 15:54:08 UTC 2018

On Sun, 28 Oct 2018, Ross Gammon wrote:

> For information, the seeds have been converted to git. The archive and
> cd-image have now been switched to use git instead of bzr. I am just
> waiting for the the new "D" name for 19.04, and then we can create the
> new git branch for "D", and then I will do an ubuntustudio-meta update
> which is the final place to switch away from bzr.

Thanks Ross. Can you confirm (or not) my guesses below:

So all changes go into master first? Then cycle branches are rebased from 
master till release? The cycle branches can be directly changed after 
release for bug fix? Rebasing current cycle branches would be manual or 

Len Ovens

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