[ubuntu-studio-devel] Vision for 19.04 and beyond

Len Ovens len at ovenwerks.net
Sat Oct 13 18:54:09 UTC 2018

On Sat, 13 Oct 2018, Erich Eickmeyer wrote:

> == Meetings ==
> It was brought to my attention that our bi-weekly IRC meetings were hard
> to make, and I have to agree. Saturdays are a time where I need so spend
> time with my family, and it's hard do to that when I'm in an IRC meeting
> for 90 minutes and then have to head to work that afternoon/evening. It
> was recommended we do a bi-weekly check-in via email, and that seemed to
> be the most viable option. So, going forward, I will be sending emails
> to check-in on how we're doing with our projects.


> Since we ran into issues that really need a lot more resources than we
> have currently, I recommended halting the additional DE iso spins.
> Instead, I think we should come at this from a multiple-phased approach.
> === Phase 1 (GOAL: 19.04) ===
> Make ubuntustudio-installer the only package people need to install to
> bolt-on Ubuntu Studio's tools to their existing Ubuntu (or flavor
> thereof) install, thereby enabling people to use Ubuntu Studio inside of
> whatever is their favorite DE.

Are we changing the GUI lib?

>  * Modify ubuntustudio-installer to depend on ubuntustudio-controls

>  * Split the lowlatency kernel grub selection settings from
> ubuntustudio-default-settings into its own package
> (ubuntustudio-lowlatency-kernel) that depends on linux-lowlatency. I've
> already done this and will get this synced soon.

There are two more settings I would include in that move, swapiness and 
timer permisions. Swappiness could be something that is useful for 
graphics/video too (comments?).

>  * Add the ubuntustudio-lowlatency-kernel to the ubuntustudio-audio
> metapackage, since people who need audio optimization are the only ones
> that need the lowlatency package.

If we do this, I would suggest fixing the grub file so that it gives 
lowlatency as default like now, but also have generic as the second option 
and default if there is no lowlatency. Also generic should be labeled as 
such. Basically the grub hack should get fixed.... really this should be 
an upstream thing. If there is more than one kind of kernel they should 
all be listed and there should be a user parameter that chooses a type for 
default with fallback should that type not be available.

> === Phase 2 (GOAL: 19.10) ===

Too far ahead for me to think about :) but reasonable anyway.

Len Ovens

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