[ubuntu-studio-devel] Meeting Notes 2018-05-05

Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at alice-dsl.net
Sun May 6 06:26:12 UTC 2018

On Sat, 05 May 2018 20:21:08 -0700, Erich Eickmeyer wrote:
>		- Plasma


Other apps need a workaround, too, apart from this at least the desktop
comes with a learning curve for users coming from xfce4, let alone
those coming from another operating system.

Cinnamon as well as GNOME still could cause issues with some
graphics on old 64 bit machines. Cinnamon is asking for usage with the
Mint repository, leading to more misusage of the ubuntu-users mailing
list, as already done by the Mint community.

Is LXQt nowadays matured? How about Ubuntu LXQt support? If it should
be done by the Lubuntu team, I would stay away from LXQt.

I heard the very first time from Budgie, when Len mentioned it

I'm using plain openbox without a desktop environment after dropping
Xfce4 and testing other desktop environments as well as jwm, however,
the Ubuntu Mate 17.10 live media IMO is very good, IOW Mate upstream as
well as the Ubuntu Mate team seems to do a good job. If Ubuntu Mate <
17.10 and > 17.10 should be in a similar good shape, then Mate without
doubts is he best successor for Xfce4, if there should be good reasons
to drop Xfce4 in favour of another desktop environment.

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