[ubuntu-studio-devel] Ardour5 crashes under ubuntu-studio 17.04

Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at alice-dsl.net
Mon Apr 17 18:30:15 UTC 2017

On Mon, 17 Apr 2017 16:55:41 +0200, gerdmitpferd at online.de wrote:
>they told me jack was faulty in 17.04


both versions are faulty, Jack 1 as well as Jack 2?

Maybe you could switch to Jack 1? Jack 1 might not work with this DBUS
and pulseaudio audio defaults, but nearly nobody needs this.

Ardour 5 should work with plain ALSA, not with all audio interfaces, but
AFAIK for many audio interfaces. So if you shouldn't need Jack for
something else, you could try running Ardour without Jack.

On Arch Linux I compiled

Ardour 5.8
Jack 2 1.9.10.r261.g2d1d3235

This combination at least works for production. Since I haven't tried to
export, I don't know if this works, too.

I guess at least compiling jack2 from git, 2d1d3235 is the latest
commit, should work on Ubuntu, too.

Did you report it to the Ubuntu or Ubuntu Studio bug tracker?


IIRC reporting a bug to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntustudio could
easily be done the old-fashioned way, without getting used to the
"Ubuntu way".


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