[ubuntu-studio-devel] Multimedia Workflow Documentation solution

C. F. Howlett cfhowlett at hotmail.com
Sun Jan 10 02:57:15 UTC 2016

Hey All:

Klaatu produces SlackerMedia a multimedia spin of Slackware Linux. He 
has also published excellent multimedia tools and documentation 
<http://www.slackermedia.info/about/>.  I was especially impressed by 
his multimedia workflow graphics 
<http://www.slackermedia.info/workflows/>.  As per the correspondence 
below, Klaatu has explicitly offered these materials for our use!  As I 
understand it, Ubuntustudio currently lacks uniform, branded 
documentation. Klaatu's workflow graphics pack 
<http://www.slackermedia.info/downloads/workflows.tbz> could fill that 
need.  I suggest we review these materials with an eye toward adoption 
in Ubuntustudio.

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	Re: Multimedia Workflow Graphics licensing
Date: 	Sun, 10 Jan 2016 08:41:07 +1300
From: 	Klaatu <klaatu at straightedgelinux.com>
To: 	C. F. Howlett <cfhowlett at hotmail.com>

I am shocked that I failed to make the licensing clear. Thanks for the
bug report :-)

The graphics, as with everything I do, can be licensed in one of two
ways: either CC-BY-SA v4.0 or as Gnu Free Documentation License (GFDL),
whichever fits easiest for you.

For Ubuntu, I don't really care about attribution (you're the good
guys); but if you give credit, then please give credit to "Klaatu at

If you need to change the licensing so it fits in better with your work
at Ubuntu Studio, let me know. I'm flexible.

Glad you like the graphics! if you need anything, let me know. I think
UbuntuStudio is amazing, and I'm happy to help.

If you're looking for more docs, checkout the Slackermedia Handbook

and also all articles in the Multimedia Makers column on OpenSource.com

It's all CC-BY-SA / GFDL, so use whatever you want.


On 01/10/2016 01:31 AM, C. F. Howlett wrote:
> While downloading your superlative Multimedia Sprint packages, I came
> across your Workflow Graphics.  I am on presently working with the
> Ubuntustudio team.  We are sorely lacking in any kind of standardized
> documentation and your products would fill that gap quite well.  May I
> ask what licensing you have applied? Alternatively, may I formally
> request your permission to use these materials in Ubuntustudio?
> Thank you in advance.
> Respectfully,
> C. F. Howlett
> Ubuntustudio Art Team

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