[ubuntu-studio-devel] Hellotux shop

ttoine ttoine at ttoine.net
Thu Aug 4 11:51:56 UTC 2016


I already have the permission, yes. But it is important for me to ask you:
I am not alone to be involved with Ubuntu Studio.

And btw, I also know that my contributions are less visible: I teach how to
use open source software to produce audio and video at the University in my
area, I run my small music label with Ubuntu and Mixbus or Ardour. And most
important, I work for open source editors since 2013, and now for the
Eclipse Foundation. As my job is to work for the promotion of open source,
I like to do something else in my hobbies ;-)

I will let hellotux know that they can do the shirts.



Antoine THOMAS
Tél: 0663137906

2016-08-03 17:56 GMT+02:00 Set Hallstrom <set at ubuntustudio.org>:

> Bonjour Antoine,
> onsdagen den 3:e augusti 2016 kl. 16:50:00 CEST, ttoine <ttoine at ttoine.net>
> skrev:
>> Actually, I had a discussion in the past with Canonical and they agree to
>> give me a license to set this kind of merchandising deal with the Ubuntu
>> Studio logo. That is how it was possible to set the spreadshirt shop.
>> Canonical is not nice at all when it comes to brand management, btw.
> I ment hellotux, but i admit my answer was oddly put.
> They
>> take great care and I am contacted regularly by their legal department.
> Good to know!
> This is something many knew a few years ago in the Ubuntu Studio team, but
>> it seems that many don't know of forget that nowadays ;-)
> Yes, most ancient members have moved on.. On that note It's good to see
> you arround! :)
> I also think this is why hellotux contacted me directly.
> Good to know i can forward this kind of requests to you if they arrive :)
> Yours,
> *set
> --
> Set Hallström
> Sent from my Ubuntu pocket computer
> --
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