[ubuntu-studio-devel] 16.04 Release Candidate Testing - for release Thursday 21st

Thomas Pfundt thomas at pfundtdesign.de
Thu Apr 21 12:30:39 UTC 2016

Hi Len,

thanks for your reply.

> Thankyou for testing in other languages. I have not noticed this on my system, but that is because I can only read english.

Well, as far as languages go, I could only test Italian and maybe French
in terms of spelling, but I guess it would just generally be safe to
make sure that the texts fit the content boxes even if they become a
little longer than the English version. It's a bit unfortunate that you
have to fully start an installation in order to check this, but I also
haven't used a virtual machine for this yet, maybe that would be more

> That sounds like a bug in update-manager.

This is indeed not a localisation issue, it also happened to me with the
English system language when installing programs through Gnome Software.
There's always the left button label missing for me, though the
functionality seems to work. Might be related to the Xfce notifications,
I'll see if I can find out more about it and I'll have a look on Launchpad.

> I have never had that happen. I do rename files, but from your comments further down not as much as you do.

Were you able to reproduce this though? It can be done in a matter of
seconds, in fact, probably even faster than me typing this. I'm really
curious if this is just a problem for me and a few others or if it
affects basically all users, because I can't see it being related to
hardware or custom system specifications. Like you said, there is no
point in changing anything for reasons of preference, because you can
not make everyone happy, but if this is a potential issue, especially
for newcomers, maybe it's worth a thought.

I used to work in a civic community centre where local news reports and
interviews are filmed on a daily basis and if you have hundreds of
random video and audio files on your drive, first of all renaming them
properly is really the best practice. That's just kind of a habit I took
away from it, hence I probably noticed this issue more regularly. ;)

> Have you tried Settings->Preferred Applications->Utilities(tab)? When I set Nautilus there it seems to just show up everywhere. If this does not
work for setting the default file manager, that is a bug for sure.

Oh no, maybe I've not clearly described the issue with this. I am able
to install Nautilus and set it as the default file manager. The problem
is that I have not been able to access its preferences, because the
Xfce-menu links still open the Thunar settings and I have not been able
to access the Nautilus menu bar with Alt+F10 or by any other means.

Because of this, Nautilus always resets itself to icon-view upon
closing, which is a bit unfortunate, because I tend to work with list-
or detail-views in the folders mostly and I basically have to set this
every time when launching the file manager. Accessing any other settings
is not possible either at this point. It's really a matter of
convenience for me, but not being able to access an alternative file
manager's preferences might be an issue. Like I mentioned, I also can't
find a terminal command for it, such as "nautilus-preferences/-settings"
or anything similar.

I also just realised that Nautilus is not really popular among the
community apparently, I just haven't used any other file manager in the
past and I've never experienced any particular problems with it
personally, so this was my first choice after Thunar became too
impractical to use for me. If there is another favourite file manager
for someone here, maybe I could try that one instead and see if it works
better in terms of integration and stability.

Kind regards,

On 20.04.2016 23:09, Len Ovens wrote:
> On Wed, 20 Apr 2016, Thomas Pfundt wrote:
>> My installation was completed successfully for both UEFI and Legacy
>> boot, however I noticed that some of the titles in the slideshow that
>> are displayed while installing received line breaks, because apparently
>> the text is too long to be displayed in one line. The problem with this
>> is that the field in which these titles are placed is too small to
>> display two lines with appropriate spacing, so the lines are
>> overlapping, making the titles extremely awkward to read. I also have to
>> mention that this happened while installing in the German language,
>> which is my native language, but I could imagine this happening with
>> other languages as well, if words tend to be a little longer. When
>> installing in English, I did not not encounter anything like this.
> Thankyou for testing in other languages. I have not noticed this on my
> system, but that is because I can only read english.
>> I don't know if this is similar in nature, but when I received an update
>> notification in the upper right corner of the desktop after starting the
>> system for the first time and setting it up, one of the buttons (I
>> assume it's supposed say "Install immediately" or something similar) had
>> the label missing, I believe this could be another example of
>> language-text changes where the text doesn't fit the box. I have not yet
>> seen this notification box in my English installation, so I can't
>> confirm this. I attached a screenshot of this in the mail.
> That sounds like a bug in update-manager.
>> Lastly, I haven't been able to test all of the applications thoroughly
>> yet, but I noticed that the default file manager, Thunar, still has file
>> renaming issues. When renaming files inside a folder, it sometimes
>> completely crashes, opening an Apport crash report window. The report
> I have never had that happen. I do rename files, but from your comments
> further down not as much as you do.
>> I remember having had this problem in previous versions already, I
>> always installed Nautilus out of habit and set it as the default file
>> manager to avoid it, however with Thunar being preinstalled, I have
>> never been able to get into the Nautilus preferences, as the menu
>> shortcuts only link to Thunar's display settings and the terminal only
>> gives options for "nautilus-autorun-software" and
>> "nautilus-connect-server". Thus, I wasn't able to permanently change the
>> view to something useful as detail or list view (it resets itself to
>> icon view upon closing).
> Have you tried Settings->Preferred Applications->Utilities(tab)? When I
> set Nautilus there it seems to just show up everywhere. (may not when
> opening folders on the Desktop... I don't keep folders on my desktop so
> I don't know) The desktop is Thunar.
> If this does not work for setting the default file manager, that is a
> bug for sure.
>> Anyhow, I was wondering if this is not an issue that more people are
>> struggling with, as it has been confirmed on Launchpad. Or is there an
> Sorry to say I have been blissfully unaware this even though I use
> thunar every day. I just don't rename files very much as part of my
> workflow. This why it is great having many people test.
>> I hope this information is in any way useful and if there's something I
>> should test or look into, please just tell me.
> It is useful for sure. Thank you.
>> Apart from these issues, I haven't had a major problem while using the
>> system so far and I must say that this is a great step up from previous
>> releases in many aspects, also very happy to see the new version of
>> Kdenlive added.
> Studio used to have Nautilus, but at one point it started have a lot
> less features, simplified beyond use. I see (in testing just now) that
> some of these features have returned. We could add it to our seeds, but
> that would not make it default and as we are trying to use Xubuntu's
> desktop with as few changes as possible, that kind of pulls away from
> that. It is something to look at though. The general feeling with
> standard computing utilities is that everyone has their favourite and
> can install that after the fact. (file managers, browsers, text
> editors,etc.)
> -- 
> Len Ovens
> www.ovenwerks.net

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