[ubuntu-studio-devel] ubuntustudio-screensaver

Len Ovens len at ovenwerks.net
Sat Apr 2 04:36:15 UTC 2016

On Sat, 2 Apr 2016, Set Hallstrom wrote:

> Now it does make sense :) And since we DO have screensavers, that
> ubuntustudio-screensaver package is redundant apart from being broken.

:) The light screen saver, from what I can tell, is just a gui for setting 
up and controlling the xorg blanker/power save modes.

The CLI version is xset with various parameters to control dpms, and s 
(screen saver) That is look at man xset to see what it is doing. I found 
this out trying to turn blanking off on a computer I was using only as a 
remote display. "xset q" (query) showed changes to:
Screen Saver:
   prefer blanking:  yes    allow exposures:  yes
   timeout:  600    cycle:  600
DPMS (Energy Star):
   Standby: 1800    Suspend: 0    Off: 1860
   DPMS is Enabled
   Monitor is On
When I changed setting in lightscreensaver.

Basically, the LSS, is just enough to say "yes there is a screen saver". 
It is a small extension to the PM. It is enough for most people's use. The 
whole idea of a screen saver really vanished even before flat screens 
showed up when dpms started to be the normal thing in crt monitors. Screen 
savers for show or entertainment are now (in most people's book) a user 
installed extra. (out of 4 personal computers in our house only one has a 
proper SS, the rest blank/power off)

Len Ovens

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