[ubuntu-studio-devel] ubuntustudio-screensaver

Set Hallstrom public at sakrecoer.com
Fri Apr 1 22:26:26 UTC 2016

On 2016-04-01 23:13, Len Ovens wrote:
> In my opinion, for production use, in most of the art creation fields.
> what we have now (Blank) is the right choice. If a buisness wishes to
> use their logo in a screen saver, they are already spending time
> creating the images and should also make sure they choose the best
> screen save for their use.

Thank you for the details and backstory, Len :)

Just to be clear: i completely agree AND understand. (also the flame
icon is super weird, indeed.) I turn the diaporama Screensaver on
because i thinks it's a nice way to look at my photos, but that is me
personally. I wouldn't want to inflict upon other by default, specially
not when the computer has no photos on it :D

I was just reacting without understanding the details: I didn't know
those screens savers were separate from the ubuntustudio-screensaver
package, and since those i am speaking about work it didn't make sense.

Now it does make sense :) And since we DO have screensavers, that
ubuntustudio-screensaver package is redundant apart from being broken.

Set Sakrecoer

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