[ubuntu-studio-devel] ubuntustudio-screensaver

Len Ovens len at ovenwerks.net
Fri Apr 1 21:13:03 UTC 2016

On Fri, 1 Apr 2016, public at sakrecoer.com wrote:

> No, i'm opening "Settings Manager" and clicking on "screen savers" icon in 
> there. There are several to chose from, my favourite is a declious diaporama, 
> that works with either RSS streams or a given folder.

Those are generally the stock g/x-screensaver choices. Even back then we 
were choosing "Blank" as the stock screensaver. The reasoning behond that 
is to start US with as profesional a look as possible... in this case as 
few toys as reasonable. (From Scott's reasoning to give an idea how long 
ago) When xubuntu moved to light screen saver that also defaults to 
"Blank", it just suits Studio already so we agreed. One of the reasons 
Xubuntu didn't like xss BTW, was the flaming icon for the login when 
locked (Ack! my computer says it's on fire!). I'm sure there were other 
reasons too...

> I looked at my GF computer which is a clean ubuntustudio install 14.04 and 
> well, i see screensavers there too. Fully funtional.

Yup, mine shows the same. I had to look though because I don't use them. 
The theory goes like this: The power management turns the monitor off 
after no use for a while... a screen saver does not show anything with the 
display powered down. It is not enough to enable a screen saver, the PM 
has to be turned off (we do this on my Yf's machine BTW, to have a clock 
in the room). So in a stock use, any SS besides blank does not really make 

The whole use of SS/PM on a studio system is something the audio world 
needs to look at. With 16.04, I do use the PM's presentation mode from the 
indicator's menu if I am recording/mixing to keep the screen from going 
away while I am working.

In my opinion, for production use, in most of the art creation fields. 
what we have now (Blank) is the right choice. If a buisness wishes to use 
their logo in a screen saver, they are already spending time creating the 
images and should also make sure they choose the best screen save for 
their use.

Len Ovens

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