[ubuntu-studio-devel] A good use for menulibre

Len Ovens len at ovenwerks.net
Wed May 20 03:54:02 UTC 2015

What menulibre does do well is act as an application categories browser. 
So anyone who wants to do some logic on how to get all the applications in 
the right place can look at what is there. Feel free to send bug reports 
upstream, but be careful as there are some cases where the original dev 
has some thing that works well (like Ardour) and it is debian who have 
removed categories... so in that case it would need a debian bugreport.

The Ardour site has AudioVideo, Audio, AudioEditing, Recorder. We/Debian 
have AudioVideo, Audio. Probably AudioEditing gave lintian fits, so change 
it to AudioVideoEditing and it should pass. Recording is in the spec 

The spec is weird:
"The table below describes Additional Categories. The Related Categories 
column lists one or more categories that are suggested to be used in 
conjunction with the Additional Category. Note that at least one Main 
Category must be included in the desktop entry's list of categories. If 
multiple Main Categories are included in a single desktop entry file, the 
entry may appear more than once in the menu. If the Related Categories 
column is blank, the Additional Category can be used with any Main 

It says that there are suggested categories to be used along with 
"Additional" categories. Note the word "Suggested", to me means 
optional, but the last line seems to indicate not.

I think qjackctl and patchage should have a "FlowChart" category  :) 
(works with the connections window)

Len Ovens

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