[ubuntu-studio-devel] MenuLibre

Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at alice-dsl.net
Wed May 20 07:35:44 UTC 2015

On Tue, 19 May 2015 22:37:18 -0400, lukefromdc at hushmail.com wrote:
>MATE has Mozo

menulibre, alacarte, mozo, cinnamon-menu-editor and if there are
others, perhaps I have tested others too, all run when using current
versions from upstream on a Linux that follows stable releases from
upstream, but non of those editors can be used to customize a menu. If
a user want's to make changes to a menu, the user better does use
something like fbpanel that provides a freedesktop.org menu in
combination with a non-freedesktop.org menu, since only
non-freedesktop.org menus can be really easily edited by a user.

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