[ubuntu-studio-devel] [Blueprint ubuntustudio-video-x] ubuntustudio-video X

Kaj Ailomaa zequence at mousike.me
Mon May 11 18:32:11 UTC 2015

On Mon, May 11, 2015, at 11:51 AM, Set Hallstrom wrote:
> Hi!
> On 2015-05-11 10:25, Jimmy Sjölund wrote:
> > Blueprint changed by Jimmy Sjölund:
> > 
> > Whiteboard set to:
> > - Investige implication of Kdenlive becoming official KDE application
> > and future development, impact of kde libraries etc.: TODO
> > 
> This is an interesting question! At the moment, there are 4 choices for
> video editing:
> - ptivi,
> - openshot
> - kdenlive,
> - blender
> On a personal note, i have to confess that ptivi and openshot have given
> me nothing but frustrations. They are the reason i installed kdenlive
> back when it was not included in ubuntustudio. I also believe kdenlive
> is the only reason i have kde libraires.
> While i must say Kdenlive is a great tool, Blender VSE has become
> amazingly powerful. So much that i had almost forgotten about kdenlive
> all together...
> Wouldn't it be a lot easier for everyone, if blender became the bundled
> video sequence editor? And all those other options remained option?

Personally, I like openshot as I only do very simple video editing, and
it really allows for that.
So, I wouldn't want to replace that, while I'm sure it's not enough for
any serious video editing.
I don't really have an opinion of which should be the default "pro"
video editor, since I have no experience in that.

> A good way to help users find the VSE in blender, could be to either set
> the shortcut to open blender in VSE mode, which i'm not sure is
> possible. But perhaps there is a possibility to start blender with a
> customized start-up file?

If there is a command line option for that, why not? And, perhaps that
is something worth adding in packaging too, if it is something that
people like to do a lot.

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