[ubuntu-studio-devel] Ubuntu Studio and Pulseaudio
Jonathan Aquilina
eagles051387 at gmail.com
Sun Dec 13 06:40:36 UTC 2015
What I think would be nice to have since jack and or alsa is the default.
Why not replace pulse with one of those two or during install give the user
the option on which one to install?
Jonathan Aquilina
On Sat, Dec 12, 2015 at 10:24 PM, <brian at linuxsynths.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> although pulseaudio wasn't causing the problem I was having with this
> particular instrument, when I run "top" or "htop" in the terminal,
> pulseaudio is always near the top of the list of threads, even though I
> have never used it. So I did uninstall it (remove rather than purge) and
> things still work fine as far as I have seen so far.
> Although I don't use pulseaudio and I don't know it very well, I have read
> from many people who use linux for audio production that alsa and jack are
> the preferred systems.
> It would be nice if Jack would connect to Firefox automatically; as things
> are right now it doesn't (afaik) without a specific "flash-to-jack" file
> that I have used on another pc but not the current installation. (I don't
> think it's in the ubuntustudio repos either..) Or maybe there are other,
> better ways to connect Jack to a web browser, I don't know. Perhaps it's
> the web browsers' responsability to allow connection to Jack..?
> brian
> On Sat, 12 Dec 2015 07:40:04 -0800 (PST), Len Ovens wrote:
> On Sat, 12 Dec 2015, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> On Sat, 12 Dec 2015 06:25:11 -0800 (PST), Len Ovens wrote:
> any desktop application that requires pulse will not hang or fail
> Hi Len, what app does hang or fail, if the pulseaudio package is removed
> or replaced by a dummy package? I'm not aware of any app and I don't see a
> reason to have pulseaudio installed, if a user doesn't want to use it. IIUC
> the OP doesn't use pulseaudio at all. On my Linux installs I never
> experienced an issue with pulseaudio removed or replaced by a dummy
> package. I never used pulseaudio.
> The OP was guessing that pulse caused problems, not sure. So the best
> thing to do is check first before doing surgery. A few commandline checks
> will confirm if PA is really the problem or something else.
> Desktop applications that use audio will hang or just stop and wait for
> audio if the device is blocked by jack unless an alternate route is set
> up. If the user understands this, it is not a problem, most don't. Not
> that many years ago, linux was a one audio use at a time and users
> understood that, but most expect audio to interleave like other OS do
> any more.
> I am well aware that you do not use pulse and will look for any oportunity
> to suggest others remove it too. You are welcome to support all those who
> choose to remove pulse. :) However, most of us barely have time to
> support things as they are without also supporting Fankenstien setups.
> --
> Len Ovenswww.ovenwerks.net
> --
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