[ubuntu-studio-devel] Ubuntu Studio and Pulseaudio

Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at alice-dsl.net
Sun Dec 13 08:57:36 UTC 2015

On Sun, 13 Dec 2015 07:40:36 +0100, Jonathan Aquilina wrote:
>Why not replace pulse with one of those two or during install
>give the user the option on which one to install?

The answer was already given, it's considered as too much effort to
provide support, to those who want to e.g produce music and at the
same time watch videos on YouTube. I wonder how those people use their
HiFi amps, when they want to listen to the tape recorder and the CP
player at the same time.

Please don't top post and use plain text only.

>On Sat, Dec 12, 2015 at 10:24 PM, <brian at linuxsynths.com> wrote:
>> It would be nice if Jack would connect to Firefox automatically; as
>> things are right now it doesn't (afaik) without a specific
>> "flash-to-jack" file that I have used on another pc but not the
>> current installation.

I don't know if this still works, I suspect at least gconf should read


There are described other ways too:


Sharing ALSA might be a solution either:


I'm using jack and ALSA without mixing sources. If I make music, then I
make music and I don't watch YouTube etc. and I'm hostile to desktop
sounds, all I need is the bell (PC speaker, $ printf "\a"). I even
could live without the bell.


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