[ubuntu-studio-devel] UbuntuStudio QA and Testcases.
ub.untu at btinternet.com
Sun Jun 8 08:43:28 UTC 2014
On 07/06/14 20:35, Ross Gammon wrote:
> On 05/25/2014 12:42 PM, Elfy wrote:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> So I started looking at the packages for the various metas and the
>> list of bugs already created for testcases.
>> Now, the majority of the applications used for the metas don't mean a
>> great deal to me. I /think/ I've got the bulk of them using apt-cache
>> show and synaptic ;) but I am in no doubt that things will be
>> missing, there that don't need to be. You get the picture.
>> What I'd really like is for people to check the wiki [1] I created
>> for a few things.
>> 1 - do apps with testcase bug missing NEED one - if so please create
>> a suitable bug ( a link to the right place is on the wiki)
>> 2 - if there is an app on the list - that DOESN'T need a testcase -
>> please remove it from the list
>> 3 - do apps that have a bug - NEED one - if they don't please mark
>> the bug INVALID - if you can't then let me know
>> Next - we'll need to try and set some sort of priority for them all.
>> I can't do that.
>> *Writing testcases*
>> This is the crux of the issue, we can create all the lists we want,
>> we can create the tracker - but without the testcases that is all
>> completely pointless.
>> What I would like to know is who can help to write them, they aren't
>> particularly complicated to write - but they do need a knowledge of
>> the application - I could write a testcase for each one in an hour or
>> so - but all you'd be checking is does it start - does it close :)
>> So - if you'd like to get involved with pushing this forward - and,
>> like me have always wondered how you can contribute as you're not a
>> coder, then *now* is your chance.
>> It will be a fair bit of work to get them written - but it can be done.
>> If that is /you, /reply to this mail and we can make a start.
>> If there is a need to do so I can run a quick IRC session on the
>> basics of what you'll need to know.
>> Any questions feel free to ask.
>> Regards
>> Elfy
>> [1] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/TestingTeamPage/Testcases
>> --
>> Ubuntu Forum Council Member
>> Xubuntu QA Lead
> Hi Elfy,
> I hope I can be one of the helping hands here. But as I am pretty new
> to doing music stuff with Linux, I hope to use the exercise of doing
> test cases to get to know the Ubuntu Studio applications. This will be
> combined with a bit of bug triaging, which also helps to identify use
> cases that could be test cases (some bug reporters also have unusual
> use cases which will be ignored for now ;-) ).
> As a first step I have added Audacious to the list of Test Cases. I
> found a bug requesting a test case, which is "Fix Released", but it
> does not appear in the qatracker yet. The bug pointed me to the
> relevant lp branch for the test suite, and I was able to work through
> it. I would like to expand the test suite with two more test cases
> (playing a midi file & playing a CD).
> So I suppose I should submit a new bug against ubuntu-manual-tests
> asking for the extra test cases, and then I could merge the existing
> one to my own branch & begin working on it?
> Regards,
> Ross
Hi Ross,
I've just read this after I found the pending audacious testcase update
mp - that's all done and synced to the package tracker now - so thanks
for that :)
Ubuntu Forum Council Member
Xubuntu QA Lead
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