[ubuntu-studio-devel] Xfce - Was: Anoying/confusing things in our DE

Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at alice-dsl.net
Thu Nov 21 15:51:43 UTC 2013

Hi Len :)

while writing this message, the download of Kubuntu 13.10 finished. I'm
able to do all the RT tweaks myself and will build linux-rt. The reason
that I stay with (K)Ubuntu Studio is to help newbies to use Linux and I
know no better distro for newbies than yours. The Ubuntu Studio team's
work is exemplary.
Hopefully I can get the menu entries, without the need to install Xfce
or Xfce dummy packages.

For experienced users, at least for me, customization is easier to do
with Arch Linux, than with *buntu. It has got a cleaner structure,
building packages is easier, the port like build system and the upstream
orientated rolling release model makes many things much easier ... but
not for newbies.

For non-audio, for newbies, I prefer Debian's policy over Ubuntu's
policy. Having a choice could be hard, but is still better than having
no choice.

I guess I will turn off receiving mails from all the BSD mailing lists
and subscribe to Kubuntu users mailing list, since requests regarding to
KDE might be inappropriate on Ubuntu Studio mailing lists.

Likely I will install it tonight or tomorrow.


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