Choosing Art for Ubuntu Studio

lukefromdc at lukefromdc at
Wed Mar 13 19:20:30 UTC 2013

I still think the theme used back in 2008 was gorgeous, and it mostly worked with
XFCE at that time.  Still using a rough port of it (to handle GTK3 applications)
myself. As far as am  concerned, whoever did the orignal UbuntuStudio artwork
in 2007-2008 did an incredible job.

Anyway, if a really good theme is made and decided upon exactly once, and is well-liked by
the community, I see no requirement to make any visual changes over time. Only porting
to changes in GTK/graphical environment changes, and adding any new icons should
ever be needed.

On 03/13/2013 at 2:52 PM, "Kaj Ailomaa" <zequence at> wrote:
>On Wed, 13 Mar 2013 19:38:09 +0100, ttoine <ttoine at> 
>> I see an others possibilities:
>>  - we keep defaut Xubuntu theme
>Changing the XFCE theme would mean more effort than changing a 
>No effort at all would be a clear decision not to change it.
>In either case, if we decide to have a new theme, I think it 
>should be  
>specially made for Ubuntu Studio - and that means we need artists.
>>  - we choose a beautiful Xfce theme on
>Who chooses? The team, or the community? And who submits?
>> I suggest that we choose a defaut background for this cycle and 
>> beautiful others if any are available, because we don't have too 
>> time
>> to make polls, etc... before the freeze.
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