[ubuntu-studio-devel] Saucy issues for Cinnamon DE meta experiments

lukefromdc at hushmail.com lukefromdc at hushmail.com
Sun Aug 25 22:25:41 UTC 2013

Packages I was unable to find were a LOT of lower level Cinnamon
dependancies that were always Ubuntu packages before.  If they 
stay gone the Mint devs are going to have a hell of a lot of work to do.

At this point, the Cinnamon meta I was playing with is impossible in Saucy,
might remain so until either Mint's next version nears release or Cinnamon
returns to Ubuntu's own repos. I also expect that this problem will repeat 
with every new development cycle, as Gnome-Shell and all forks of it have
a lot of dependancies are are easily broken in development. 

That being so, I think the generic US meta that can go into any DE, pulled
into a fresh Mint install by end users, will be the most  practical way for users
to get a Cinnamon DE with Studio if they prefer  that desktop environment. 

I ran into one other problem with my most recent experiment: 

Kernel vmlinuz-3.10.0-5-lowlatency didn't like my Radeon 6750 at all,
and I got "fail to load driver r-600" errors that prevented at least cinnamon, 
if not all compositing DEs from running except by LLVMpipe.

On 08/25/2013 at 5:20 PM, "Len Ovens" <len at ovenwerks.net> wrote:
>On Sun, 25 Aug 2013, lukefromdc at hushmail.com wrote:
>> Meanwhile a lot of packages are not in Saucy's repos. A couple 
>weeks ago,
>> I used a then-current DVD installer to put a new version of US 
>on my test 
>> partition, then ran it through my ongoing Cinnamon DE 
>> In order to install it from a PPA specified for Saucy, I had to 
>> a whole bunch of packages out of Raring repos that have been 
>> In fact, my current working desktop, although following Saucy, 
>could not
>> be duplicated without access to Raring's repos.
>Just to clarify, UbuntuStudio has not dropped any applications 
>(that I am 
>aware of). So the SW you are talking about must have to do with 
>the Cinnamon 
>DE and it's set up. This would seem to indicate that none of the 
>flavours are using this SW and so no one has made sure that SW is 
>kept up. 
>There are different reasons this might be:
>  1) the upstream author is no longer supporting it and so as the 
>     version has changed there is no longer a lib version that 
>will allow
>     this SW to compile for saucy. (we lost GCDMaster this way)
>  2) That SW has been replaced with SW of a different name (for 
>     cdrecord and ffmpeg)
>  3) Other things I can't think of right now :)
>While it would be interesting to know what these apps/packages 
>are, I do not 
>know that we can do anything about it before FF if at all. The 
>main user of 
>Cinnamon is Mint. ubuntugnome is more about gnome shell in ubuntu 
>rather than 
>classic or it look-alikes. So the question might be, what 
>direction Mint is 
>Rather than starting with a UbuntuStudio ISO, I would think that 
>starting with 
>mini.iso and building from there might be better. Come up with a 
>meta package 
>that takes mini.iso and generates the desktop you would like, then 
>ubuntustudio-installer to allow choosing the workflows as needed. 
>You may need 
>to create a "classicstudio-default-settings" package to finish off 
>the desktop 
>look and feel.
>You may be able to use some of the ubuntustudio packages as they 
>are though. 
>In all it is a big job you are trying to do. Starting with someone 
>else's ISO 
>would be the easiest way. (ubuntustudio started with xubuntu for 
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