
Scott Lavender scottalavender at gmail.com
Wed Jul 25 13:04:50 UTC 2012

On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 10:13 AM, Len Ovens <len at ovenwerks.net> wrote:

> We have a package called ubuntustudio-icon-theme, but we don't use it.
> Instead we use xubuntu-icon-theme. Any of our own icons currently reside
> in ubuntustudio-default-settings and end up in /usr/share/pixmaps on the
> install. This has been fine as we have had only a few icons to deal
> with... but it is not the right way really. As per blueprint item:
> [ubuntustudio-dev] All icons for ubuntuStudio submenus should be New
> Ubuntu studio icons in case the ones we are using from xfce vanish: TODO
> Some of the icons we use for our *.directory files also come from
> applications which may go away leaving broken stuff, so we need our own
> icons for any of our own *.directory files.
> We should probably replace xubuntu-icon-theme with
> ubuntustudio-icon-theme, even if the studio version depends on the xubuntu
> version at least for now. Our own icons should then end up in -icon-theme
> rather than -settings. And they should end up in
> /usr/share/icons/ubuntustudio/
> Right now ubuntustudio-icon-theme has no installable files, it just
> depends on elementary-icon-theme. I would therefore suggest that the
> depends be changed to xubuntu-icon-theme and the desktop meta be changed
> to reflect this. This should not change anything on the install, but
> should be tested to make sure things still work.
> Next the ubuntustudio directory should be added to /usr/share/icons with a
> file that depends on elementaryXubuntu and the default icon theme change
> to ubuntustudio... test for breakage.
> Then we can start migrating icons to this package.
> Does anyone see a problem with this? Are there many icons in
> elementaryXubuntu? Should we just add those few to our own directory and
> bypass depending on xubuntu-icon-theme?
> Comments please.
> Note: there will be some icons being developed. for now they will end up
> in the settings package as install to the pixmaps directory.
> --
> Len Ovens
> www.OvenWerks.net
> --
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if you go back into previous version of the ubuntustudio-icon-theme you
will see that we did have icons at one time. i think it was either based on
the human or oxygen theme. i don't remember currently.

the reason we migrated to the elementary theme is because our icon theme
was broken in several areas and we didn't have the developers to fix and
maintain it. i moved in this direction because i was attempting to minimize
maintenance for the ubuntu studio developers. my mantra during this time
was 'simplicity -> sustainability -> success'. i still believe in this.

however, if we have the commitment for creating and maintenance, i
certainly welcome a new icon theme.

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