Jan 19 US ISO

Scott Lavender scottalavender at gmail.com
Fri Jan 20 13:36:03 UTC 2012

On Fri, Jan 20, 2012 at 7:11 AM, Scott Lavender
<scottalavender at gmail.com> wrote:
> hi len!
> this is most strange and completely deconstructs my understanding of
> how the ISO builds from the seeds...hmmmm :/
> but anyways, i checked the build logs [0] and i can clearly see that
> starting around line 1593 that it added the changes i had made.  most
> confusing.
> On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 9:47 PM, Len Ovens <len at ovenwerks.net> wrote:
>> Still playing... Aside from the missing link things look pretty good.
>>  - cdrdao is missing
> i will note this as a further change required in the seeds
>>  - a2jmidid is not missing - Good
> i'm not actually sure where this is coming from (either stated
> explicitly or as a dependencies but i would like to make sure it is
> stated explicitly due to it's prominence
>>  - The newer envy24control -> mudita24 would be nice.
> hmmmm, that's disappointing and i will note this on my seed's change
> list as well
>>  - Nautilus and thunar do funny things ;-)
> can you give more explanation about "funny things"?
>>   - icon to get a file manager gets set to nautilus ok
>>   - nautilus access sftp ok
>>   - but the desktop stuff still opens thunar
> can you explain what you are doing specifically to open thunar in this manner?
>>  - ARandR is there - Good (seems to work but I have yet to test it with
>> two monitors)
>>  - gedit is nice.
>>  - xchat isn't set to #ubuntustudio yet.
> this is a desire of mine but i do not know how and haven't scheduled
> time to do so yet.  if anyone wants to see how ubuntu or one of the
> other derivatives does it that would be helpful, otherwise it will get
> done at a future time.
>>  - There is no bookmark for the webpage in firefox either.
> aye, similar to xchat channels, this is planned but not executed yet.
> help would be appreciated.
>>  - The themes are ok by me, but I don't see any changes from the last time
>> I tested... And I thought that was where there were changes. Oh hang on
>> some of the menu icons are different.
> yes, the theme and ui shouldn't vary drastically, i think the most
> visible items would probably be some of the panel items, but these are
> small changes still.
> since you mentioned the menu i want to mention a few particulars about
> ti.  i expect the menu to undergo some changes as well as i do not
> believe the menu is placing items correctly (i.e. in the audio
> production menu) like it used to do before the initial xfce
> transition.  the expected time for this change would be sometimes
> after alpha 2 comes out, unless someone wants to assist.
>> Much better and more usable.
> i'm very glad to hear this reported :)
>> --
>> Len Ovens
>> www.OvenWerks.net
>> --
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> thanks again, len!  your work is really appreciated.
> scottl

forgot this:
[0] http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/cd-build-logs/ubuntustudio/precise/daily-20120119.log

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