Ubuntu Studio artwork proposal

C K coryisatm at gmail.com
Sun Jun 20 00:43:04 BST 2010

On Sat, Jun 19, 2010 at 7:32 PM, Brian David <beejunk at gmail.com> wrote:
> As far as I know, the new Ubuntu font is not yet available.
> Here's my contribution.  I tried my best to imitate the Lucid font, and even
> added a bit of the Lucid purple in there.  There are three pics: a fancy
> color version; a simple color version; and a gray one similar to the Mac
> image linked above.  I've also added a link to the tar.gz file that has the
> Inkscape svgs, in case anyone cares to mess around around with them:
> http://www.sunmachine.coop/ubuntu/made_with_ubuntu_studio_fancy.png
> http://www.sunmachine.coop/ubuntu/made_with_ubuntu_studio_simple.png
> http://www.sunmachine.coop/ubuntu/made_with_ubuntu_studio_gray.png
> http://www.sunmachine.coop/ubuntu/made_with_ubuntu_studio.tar.gz
> --
> -Brian David

I've been trying to stay away from putting my 2 cents so things can
just develop. I gotta say a little bit now. ;)

I can most likely get the letters to make our logo text from the guys
@ Canonical. The font is still under development. *If* it is decided
that the new font is used for our text as well, I believe our COF will
need a more angular revamp to fit this new type style.

The effort around the "Made with Ubuntu" idea is cool, but I wanna say
it would be nice to see someone step up and revamp the studio art.

-Cory K.

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