[Ubuntu-SG] New to singapore
billy am
wickedpuppy at gmail.com
Sat Nov 22 01:05:51 UTC 2014
Here is what IT manager thinks
(Hmms , the company pays for software so why take the risk and install
Linux and have to explain to the big bosses when I can buy Microsoft , IBM
, Dell and then when things go wrong , blame them?
I am not here to make the company/organization more effective or efficient.
I don't get any benefits out of it. I am just being paid monthly whatever
happens. So I will spend all my energy on how I can put the blame on
someone for everything I do!!!
Yes yes. Thats right.
Firewall breached and website hacked? Firewall company and those pesky
hackers are the problem.
Server down? The vendor doesn't know what to do.
My people are taking too long because they are not experienced or
short-handed? They are idiots! Getting them better pay or find people with
more experience and more pay means I will have to ask the big boss to
increase my budget! That might affect my bonus!!! Oh no!!! Time to be a
slave driver... oh yah! More late night work!!!)
When you have people tied their performance to budget and not profit ,
thats what you get. How many companies , mostly medium to large ,
companies' managers will risk their neck , and 5 figure salary , to suggest
their directors to do something that never done before? Why do that? When
you can be a boot-licker and get paid to do that?
Remember , dept budget is more important than company profit. Every dept
manager will watch their own backside.
http://billyam.com || http://use-r.com || http://shinyserver.com (BETA)
SAS Certified Base Programmer for SAS 9
Oracle SQL Expert(11g)
On Fri, Nov 21, 2014 at 11:41 PM, Ho Yi Hao Pipat <yihao.ho at gmail.com>
> I like the idea of helping NGOs to manage their webserver. That will be a
> fantastic idea considering that we don't need someone to be on site all the
> time.
> But the issue is though, most of the time, the NGOs would already have a
> preferred web host provider that is very commonly bundled with a mail
> system.. To get them to change might take some convincing.
> I think the issue in Singapore is that the education system is so tied
> into the Windows system that it is often hard for people to change to
> something other than that. In my school days, writing a report was a horror
> as I preferred to use Open Office (No libre around yet) and it would often
> screw up when saved in .doc which means I would often have to "ahem" Office
> just to get my report done..
> Bringing that back to the IT scene in Singapore, with the Windows
> mentality, it is hard to find people who will be willing to take the
> plunge. Even if the open source solution will be more cost-effective in the
> long run. So, it will take some effort to get NGO to allow us to handle
> stuff for them.
> With that in mind, that shouldn't mean that we should give up but we
> should keep trying and see how we can help the NGOs since I think we all
> agree that open source is the most cost- effective way for them. Perhaps we
> could start from helping them migrate to Libre (or Open Office if that's
> your preference) from M$ office?
> Within ourselves, start a sinking fund where we can offer to manage NGOs
> website and email? Either the renting of servers or someone with the
> facility to host it? With of course a credit to us so that other NGOs might
> take notice?
> I'm just throwing some ideas around to see if we can get something kick
> started since a lot of stuff that we used to plan would either not move
> pass the talk about it phase or eventually quieten down with nothing done.
> Here's hoping somethings will change.
> ---------------------------
> With regards,
> Yi Hao
> On Fri, Nov 21, 2014 at 9:37 PM, billy am <wickedpuppy at gmail.com> wrote:
>> isn't it the truth? I just did a major project with a 3rd party software
>> company at work. Company wide project with multiple Oracle servers ,
>> weblogc , jboss , etc etc. From our side , there are only 2 people. Me and
>> the project manager who is more of a budget , schedule manager rather than
>> technical.
>> Clearly , the value of a project manager , in SG at least , is at how
>> he/she handles the upper management on the budget / schedule and how to
>> communicate the requirement. Nothing about actual software / hardware /
>> setup / config / maintenance is required.
>> Frankly , if anyone want to be actually managing IT infra and makes
>> decisions on IT , take MBA/CFA/ACCA/CPA. It would be faster.
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
>> http://billyam.com || http://use-r.com || http://shinyserver.com (BETA)
>> SAS Certified Base Programmer for SAS 9
>> Oracle SQL Expert(11g)
>> On Fri, Nov 21, 2014 at 10:27 PM, Tom Goh <tomgohj at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I agree with that statement on management. The universities teach kids
>>> that what they should aspire to is be a project manager. I have asked
>>> several university students what they want to do after graduation and they
>>> all said project manager. When asked why, they say that is what their
>>> professors tell them.
>>> That is why tech in Singapore is so bad. Because we have project
>>> managers who don't know how to develop or run systems in the real world and
>>> get the wool pulled over their eyes. They just rely on big vendors to
>>> propose solutions.
>>> Its getting better now that there is a growing start up culture.
>>> On Nov 21, 2014 7:45 PM, "Chow Loong Jin" <hyperair at ubuntu.com> wrote:
>>>> On Fri, Nov 21, 2014 at 01:26:29PM +0800, billy am wrote:
>>>> > Redhat has. Canonical I am not sure ... Mark did come down to
>>>> Singapore
>>>> > before. Suse yes.
>>>> Red Hat's mostly a sales office, as are most other multi-national
>>>> companies
>>>> (e.g. Google, Facebook) which have bases in Singapore. I think the only
>>>> major
>>>> large corporation with a real coding base here is PayPal.
>>>> > NUS mirrors everything btw. Including CRAN , CPAN , etc ... But again
>>>> , the
>>>> > Universities train office workers/drones , not technologists/hackers.
>>>> Pls
>>>> > keep it in mind.
>>>> Not quite, they train people who think that coding is a stepping stone
>>>> toward
>>>> management. And then they become managers and hang up whatever little
>>>> xcoding
>>>> skills they had in the first place.
>>>> > Linux is cheaper ONLY if in large numbers. For SMEs , Linux is a
>>>> nightmare.
>>>> > Windows admins with 3 - 4 years experience can be found for below 2k
>>>> / mth
>>>> > , if you know where and how to find.
>>>> Eh speak for yourself. I used to work in an SME with only 3 people
>>>> (aside from
>>>> me). They're doing pretty well, and they're mostly a Linux shop.
>>>> --
>>>> Kind regards,
>>>> Loong Jin
>>>> --
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