[Ubuntu-SG] Team Namecard - Draft 1 - Version 2
K Sitt
k at sitt.com.sg
Mon Sep 22 13:25:56 UTC 2008
Hi All,
A nice design for name card. I like the version 1 better because the
grey-scale watermark make the design asymmetrical. But I feel a bit too
crowded with so many lines there. I don't know if we can express the IRC
channel in one line only? Or as Kelvin said, remove them all together but
keep the essentials like, site address and email should be enough.
Putting the real names would be good as well, or leave a space for the
individual to write or print their info on it.
And just a few comments about trade mark thing. As far as I understand,
trademark has to be registered at IP Office of SG. The use of (™) or
trademark implies that the trade mark is a registered trademark and if we
use it without actual registration can cause us real trouble. So I suggest
not to put the (™) or anything on the logo first, it could cause trouble.
I am no expert in that, but I think we need to be careful with this.
On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 10:31 AM, Kelvin Quee <kq at kquee.com> wrote:
> Heidir,
> Great design. Sorry that I couldn't make it for all the meetings (*gasps*)
> and the event. I deserve to be sent to the gallows.
> Can I ask what are the objectives for designing and printing namecard?
> I'm assuming that the objectives are -
> * To provide an easy way to stay in contact with interested folks -
> primarily people switching from Windows
> * To provide namecards for exchange with sponsors
> With those in mind, I propose -
> * that our beautiful Ubuntu-SG logo be made smaller
> * this would, firstly, create more whitespace so that the design is
> easier on the eye
> * about 25% smaller would be nice
> * remove the watermark lionhead on the bottom right
> * again to create more whitespace and, really, the translucent
> lionhead provides no new information and so should be remove as the namecard
> is already a very limited canvas
> * remove IRC contacts and forum address
> * because only people-like-us use IRC and there's already a website
> address which should also lead them (normal people) to the forum
> * add in -
> * the words "Open Source" because "Ubuntu" would normally throw alot
> of un-informed newbies folks off. "Open Source" is a more well-known and
> accepted buzzword. Use this to anchor them so that conversations can go -
> Heidir: Hi. My name is Heidir and I'm from Ubuntu-SG. Here's my
> card?
> Newbie: Oh? Ubuntu-SG? (thinks, "WTH is that" and accepts card) Oh,
> Ubuntu is an open source project (and silently congratulates himself on
> being so smart).
> Heidir: Yup. Ubuntu is an open source project. Actually, it's an
> operating system. Like Windows, but it's free.
> Newbie: Free? Isn't Windows also free?
> ....
> (I think you get the point)
> * But, perhaps, most importantly -
> * add in our Real Name, Real Mobile Phone Number and Real Personal
> Email
> * because I think that the real charm of OSS is the huge
> community behind using, developing, discussing and providing support
> * by adding in our real contact information, we add credibility
> and also the "real people" element of it (a term that I usually invent for
> it is - "grassrootiness"[TM])
> * This may deserve another email thread and a much longer discussion
> but I would like to put a one liner to the namecard that describes succintly
> what Ubuntu-SG does
> * but I understand that we are young and small so maybe we can
> reserve this for the next version of this card
> Here're my 20cents.
> Kelvin Quee
> +65 9177 3635
> http://kquee.com/contact
> Rykel™ (Aen™) wrote:
> Hi Heidir,
> I have a few improvement suggestions:
> 1. Tilt the logo watermark in the bottom right hand corner a bit by
> about 45 degrees clockwise, coz right now everything is very "upright" and
> "straight". Tilting the watermark will give it a bit of artistic flair...;
> 2. I prefer the colour watermark. (ie. version 2);
> 3. Shift "Team... forum" down one line so that they become part and on
> top of "IRC... sg". That will leave a line of space between the logohead and
> the actual particulars;
> 4. "Channel..." should be somehow on the same line as "IRC..." as we
> are referring to the same thing;
> 5. Can we experiment with a totally BLACK background and see the
> effect?; and
> 6. Remember to put TM on Ubuntu-SG! and anywhere where it is needed.
> (eg. logohead itself?)
> Overall, I think the card design can still be fiddled with before
> printing... I will give further feedback as they come along to me.
> Best Regards,
> Rykel™
> *Have You Heard Of Acai Berry Juice?*
> http://tinyurl.com/TeamAsia
> +65 8400 2102 (Singapore)
> +6 013 4008749 (Malaysia)
> +84 93 2643369 (Vietnam)
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> aenrykel | icq: 22768140
> 2008/9/22 Muhammad Heidir <dave33bravo at yahoo.com.sg>
>> Hi all,
>> I have uploaded a draft 1-version2 design of our namecard. It can be
>> viewed here
>> Version 1: http://www.flickr.com/photos/30239298@N05/2877204376
>> Version 2: http://www.flickr.com/photos/30239298@N05/2876525341
>> Please do note that, this namecard will be trademarked, we don't one
>> anyone who is not a team member using our card and abusing it. If there is
>> an objection, email me.
>> The cost for printing this card is being queried. Expect to receive the
>> quotation later in the day.
>> Regards,
>> Heidir
>> --
>> Ubuntu-SG mailing list
>> Ubuntu-SG at lists.ubuntu.com
>> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-sg
> --
> Ubuntu-SG mailing list
> Ubuntu-SG at lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-sg
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