[Ubuntu-SG] Team Namecard - Draft 1 - Version 2

Kelvin Quee kq at kquee.com
Mon Sep 22 02:31:16 UTC 2008


Great design. Sorry that I couldn't make it for all the meetings 
(*gasps*) and the event. I deserve to be sent to the gallows.

Can I ask what are the objectives for designing and printing namecard?

I'm assuming that the objectives are -

    * To provide an easy way to stay in contact with interested folks - 
primarily people switching from Windows
    * To provide namecards for exchange with sponsors

With those in mind, I propose -

    * that our beautiful Ubuntu-SG logo be made smaller
       * this would, firstly, create more whitespace so that the design 
is easier on the eye
       * about 25% smaller would be nice

    * remove the watermark lionhead on the bottom right
       * again to create more whitespace and, really, the translucent 
lionhead provides no new information and so should be remove as the 
namecard is already a very limited canvas

    * remove IRC contacts and forum address
       * because only people-like-us use IRC and there's already a 
website address which should also lead them (normal people) to the forum

    * add in -
       * the words "Open Source" because "Ubuntu" would normally throw 
alot of un-informed newbies folks off. "Open Source" is a more 
well-known and accepted buzzword. Use this to anchor them so that 
conversations can go -

       Heidir: Hi. My name is Heidir and I'm from Ubuntu-SG. Here's my card?
       Newbie: Oh? Ubuntu-SG? (thinks, "WTH is that" and accepts card) 
Oh, Ubuntu is an open source project (and silently congratulates himself 
on being so smart).
       Heidir: Yup. Ubuntu is an open source project. Actually, it's an 
operating system. Like Windows, but it's free.
       Newbie: Free? Isn't Windows also free?
       (I think you get the point)

    * But, perhaps, most importantly -
       * add in our Real Name, Real Mobile Phone Number and Real 
Personal Email
          * because I think that the real charm of OSS is the huge 
community behind using, developing, discussing and providing support
          * by adding in our real contact information, we add 
credibility and also the "real people" element of it (a term that I 
usually invent for it is - "grassrootiness"[TM])

    * This may deserve another email thread and a much longer discussion 
but I would like to put a one liner to the namecard that describes 
succintly what Ubuntu-SG does
       * but I understand that we are young and small so maybe we can 
reserve this for the next version of this card

Here're my 20cents.

Kelvin Quee
+65 9177 3635


Rykel™ (Aen™) wrote:
> Hi Heidir,
> I have a few improvement suggestions:
>    1. Tilt the logo watermark in the bottom right hand corner a bit by
>       about 45 degrees clockwise, coz right now everything is very
>       "upright" and "straight". Tilting the watermark will give it a
>       bit of artistic flair...;
>    2. I prefer the colour watermark. (ie. version 2);
>    3. Shift "Team... forum" down one line so that they become part and
>       on top of "IRC... sg". That will leave a line of space between
>       the logohead and the actual particulars;
>    4. "Channel..." should be somehow on the same line as "IRC..." as
>       we are referring to the same thing;
>    5. Can we experiment with a totally BLACK background and see the
>       effect?; and
>    6. Remember to put TM on Ubuntu-SG! and anywhere where it is
>       needed. (eg. logohead itself?)
> Overall, I think the card design can still be fiddled with before 
> printing... I will give further feedback as they come along to me.
> Best Regards,
> Rykel™
> */Have You Heard Of Acai Berry Juice?/*
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> aol: aenrykel | icq: 22768140
> 2008/9/22 Muhammad Heidir <dave33bravo at yahoo.com.sg 
> <mailto:dave33bravo at yahoo.com.sg>>
>     Hi all,
>     I have uploaded a draft 1-version2 design of our namecard. It can
>     be viewed here
>     Version 1: http://www.flickr.com/photos/30239298@N05/2877204376
>     Version 2: http://www.flickr.com/photos/30239298@N05/2876525341
>     Please do note that, this namecard will be trademarked, we don't
>     one anyone who is not a team member using our card and abusing it.
>     If there is an objection, email me.
>     The cost for printing this card is being queried. Expect to
>     receive the quotation later in the day.
>     Regards,
>     Heidir
>     --
>     Ubuntu-SG mailing list
>     Ubuntu-SG at lists.ubuntu.com <mailto:Ubuntu-SG at lists.ubuntu.com>
>     https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-sg
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