[Ubuntu-SG] Site/Forum Update

Maung Myat Thu @ Billy Aung Myint billy at ubuntu.sg
Mon Sep 22 02:04:05 UTC 2008

Site/Forum Update

1) We now have a sitemap on the topmenu , it will help us with
organising the articles structures.

2) We will be moving over to fireboard forum real soon. In fact it is
set up almost the same as phpbb. Only registered users can access it now
at the usermenu. We only need to sort out the link so that
ubuntu.sg/forum points there.  

The reason we are moving it is a component of joomla and not a seperate
app like phpbb. It makes the user management a lot more easier and
make , possibily , future migration less painful and troublesome as
well. There is a test forum so pls do try it.


On Mon, 2008-09-22 at 07:28 +0800, Muhammad Heidir wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have uploaded a draft 1-version2 design of our namecard. It can be
> viewed here
> Version 1: http://www.flickr.com/photos/30239298@N05/2877204376
> Version 2: http://www.flickr.com/photos/30239298@N05/2876525341
> Please do note that, this namecard will be trademarked, we don't one
> anyone who is not a team member using our card and abusing it. If
> there is an objection, email me.
> The cost for printing this card is being queried. Expect to receive
> the quotation later in the day.
> Regards,
> Heidir

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