[Ubuntu-SG] Thank you very much everyone

John Thng johnthng83 at gmail.com
Sat Sep 20 15:12:20 UTC 2008


I think there's a few things unclear.
It's a good thing to add new users to a separate mailing list first.
Then we request them to add to our main mailing list themselves.
Else it will be odd to have them join the official list by default, and it
might be a spam perhaps for some.

And secondly, we might need liase with other groups of educational groups in
near future in order attract people from members of various IT Clubs or Open
Source Clubs in School to make an event more successful.

For NTU OSS, loong jin is trying to set up the ubuntu archive mirror.
As for Ubuntu related news, PCs that are going to be donated to Cambodia
Students are in NTU, and NTUOSS is in the process of setting up.
Not sure if I want to put here, but better news than no news which means
nothing happen.


On Sat, Sep 20, 2008 at 10:07 PM, Maung Myat Thu @ Billy Aung Myint <
billy at ubuntu.sg> wrote:

> Hi Everyone ,
>             It has been an amazing day for us all. For the first time
> since this mailing list was started about 3 years ago , we can showcase
> our combined talents and dedication for everyone else to see. So before
> we all forget , we would like to thank those who had contributed to our
> cause in some ways or another.
> Heidir  - Helped us not only with the printing but also came up with
> many of the ideas we have implemented for this event. Also , his
> monetary contribution definitely made this event possible for TUSG.
> Chew - The most technical guy on our team and answered many questions
> today.
> Rykel - Our chief source of ideas for publicity.
> Rui Boon - Our chief designer/administrator for the website/forum. Also
> another monetary contributor.
> John - Another guy who helped to answer Ubuntu questions today.
> Ziroday - Our IRC Operator :P
> XP - Has been helping us with designs for logos/banners.
> David aka CDR - Not only he organised the whole SFD08 event but also
> contributed his time and money towards TUSG.
> Rajesh at Samooha - Helped us with our extremely limited budget. Thank you
> so much.
> Definitely , this list only contains those I could only remember after a
> long day and my sincere apologies to everyone else I have missed out.
> Everyone on this list has in one time or another contributed to our
> cause and for that I , on behalf of TUSG , would like to say thank you.
> For too long since I requested Canonical for the Ubuntu-sg mailing list
> 3 years ago , it has been more or less a one man show. I did the
> website , ubuntu wiki , contents and mailing list. It was more or less
> my website , my mailing list , my team.
> But after seeing and watching the event today , I can confidently say
> this is no longer my team. This has become OUR team. I could feel the
> identity of TUSG everywhere in that room. Thank you everyone for making
> this impossible possible. Lets make this the best Open Source group in
> Singapore. I know we can do it.
> Regards,
> Billy
> --
> Ubuntu-SG mailing list
> Ubuntu-SG at lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-sg
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