[Ubuntu-SG] Speaker Request for NUS SFD, 19 Sept 2008 @ NUS

C David Rigby c.david.rigby at gmail.com
Tue Sep 2 07:10:22 UTC 2008

On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 2:56 PM, Chen Xiangpeng <xp at xp.sg> wrote:

> Hi K Sitt,
> You are already at the right place to contact the local ubuntu people. you
> can try the SLUG mailing list for linux in general.

HI K Sitt,

For the Team Ubuntu group of Singapore, look here: http://ubuntu.sg/. Scroll
down the page on the right side for a registration link under the "Meta"
heading. Perhaps you have already found this, as you are on the mailing

For meeting other Linux and FOSS users, check out the Singapore Linux Meetup
Group (SLMG): http://linux.meetup.com/5/. We would be happy to have you join

At lot of this conversation is being generated by our preparations for
Software Freedom Day 2008.
The main site: http://softwarefreedomday.org/
The Singapore site being worked on by SLMG: http://softwarefreedomday.sg/
Dang Thanh Son is working on an SFD event at NUS:

> As for the ND part, I think it doesn't apply to the creator or the owning
> organisation (i might be wrong here). I personally think that the actual
> license choice will only be made after we consulted Canonical. I am
> personally ok if we drop the ND.
> XP
I would tend to agree with one caveat. An "ND" (No Derivative works) makes
sense for something like a logo or trademark that identifies a group.
Allowing derivative works could lead to confusion.

Just my $0.02.

C David Rigby

> On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 2:52 PM, K Sitt <k at sitt.com.sg> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I am new to this mailing list.
>> 1) . I was scanning through the mailing list, and read about the licensing
>> of the logo under *CC BY-NC-ND*, I think I feel it is too strict a
>> license if we put ND. That would mean even if we create other branding items
>> based on the same logo, we, ourselves will be violating our terms. (although
>> we wont be suing ourselves).
>> But ultimately the creators can always change the licensing terms, so it
>> probably is not a concern.
>> 2). I am a grad student in NUS, and I would like to know who I should
>> contact for Ubuntu user group or linux and OSS in general?
>> K
>> On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 2:47 PM, C David Rigby <c.david.rigby at gmail.com>wrote:
>>> Hello Heidir,
>>> Possibly mentioning or demoing Wubi (http://wubi-installer.org/)?
>>> Personally, I think this is an even better way to try Ubuntu from a Windows
>>> host than either a VM or a LiveCD.
>>> Regards
>>> CDR
>>> On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 2:40 PM, Muhammad Heidir Abd M <
>>> dave33bravo at yahoo.com.sg> wrote:
>>>> Hi XP,
>>>> Will be great to talk about Wine, Problem is I have never used Wine
>>>> before. Anyone knows about Wine and willing to contribute? Can always add
>>>> more topics into my slide.
>>>> Heidir
>>>> ----- Original Message ----
>>>> From: Chen Xiangpeng <xp at xp.sg>
>>>> To: Muhammad Heidir Abd M <dave33bravo at yahoo.com.sg>
>>>> Cc: C David Rigby <c.david.rigby at gmail.com>; ubuntu-sg at lists.ubuntu.com
>>>> Sent: Tuesday, 2 September 2008 14:21:33
>>>> Subject: Re: [Ubuntu-SG] Speaker Request for NUS SFD, 19 Sept 2008 @ NUS
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Might be a bit OT here:
>>>> I've read thru your slides. I think they're great. I got a lil
>>>> suggestion though. You might wanna talk about Wine in your presentation. I
>>>> believe that if you can convince people that they can ease their transition
>>>> pains by using Wine, I think it'll make the idea of switching a lot more
>>>> attractive :)
>>>> XP
>>>> On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 2:16 PM, Muhammad Heidir Abd M <
>>>> dave33bravo at yahoo.com.sg> wrote:
>>>>> Hi guys,
>>>>> So who could give a talk? This is where we could shine some light. I am
>>>>> willing to take my time for the event, show the slides which I have created
>>>>> or install some Ubuntu.
>>>>> Sample presentation:
>>>>> http://www.scribd.com/doc/5261323/Team-Ubuntu-Singapore-Presentation-Draft
>>>>> Anyone?
>>>>> Heidir
>>>>> ----- Original Message ----
>>>>> From: C David Rigby <c.david.rigby at gmail.com>
>>>>> To: ubuntu-sg at lists.ubuntu.com
>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, 2 September 2008 13:00:36
>>>>> Subject: [Ubuntu-SG] Speaker Request for NUS SFD, 19 Sept 2008 @ NUS
>>>>> Greetings Team Ubuntu Singapore,
>>>>> Since I learned of your groups existence a couple of weeks ago, I've
>>>>> been meaning to join up. Ubuntu is my primary desktop GNU/Linux, so this is
>>>>> the place for me!
>>>>> Through our site http://softwarefreedomday.sg (thanks for the link on
>>>>> your homepage!) I've received a contact from Dang Thanh Son, the Sun Campus
>>>>> Ambassador @ NUS. He is helping with the NUS SFD event which will take place
>>>>> Friday 19 Sept 2008 from 13:00 until 17:00 (details here:
>>>>> http://softwarefreedomday.org/teams/SOSUMNUS).. He writes:
>>>>> My name is Dang Thanh Son, Sun Campus Ambassador. We are also
>>>>> celebrating SFD at NUS but on Fri 19 Sept 08. I would like to invite one
>>>>> person from Linux user groups to come down to give a talk about Linux at
>>>>> 3-4pm on Fri 19 Sept?
>>>>> We corresponded a bit, and I posted his request to the LMGS and
>>>>> sfds2008 at googlegroups..com <sfds2008 at googlegroups.com> lists. No one
>>>>> responded, so I asked him what would be acceptable topics. I proposed two,
>>>>> related topics, both of which he said were fine:
>>>>>    - Would a talk on the topic of "Trying Linux" be OK? That is a
>>>>>    topic that I might be able to get a speaker for, and it provides a good
>>>>>    "hands on" presentation. The audience could try using Linux during the
>>>>>    talk.. The audience members would have to bring their own laptops, of
>>>>>    course, but we might be able to come up with some Live CDs.
>>>>>    - Would an Ubuntu presentation be OK? We have a an active Ubuntu
>>>>>    group here. Their focus is specifically Ubuntu, and I would expect their
>>>>>    presentation to be oriented towards promoting Ubuntu.
>>>>> The latter point was made specifically with TUGS in mind. I wanted to
>>>>> make sure that something like that would be OK before I asked here.
>>>>> Is anyone interested in doing this?
>>>>> I'd love to help them out, as well as promote TUGS, Ubuntu, & SFD in
>>>>> general. I am trying to avoid volunteering for a presentation myself due to
>>>>> my involvement in preparations for LMGS's SFD event at SMU. As well, I have
>>>>> to fly out of Singapore a few hours after the SFD event on 20 Sept.
>>>>> Regardless, let me know what you think. If I cannot find a speaker for
>>>>> him, then I may try to manage it myself. My wife won't be too happy, but
>>>>> she'll have 12 hours on the plane to Italy, Saturday night/Sunday morning,
>>>>> to express herself... (8->
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> C David Rigby
>>>>> ------------------------------
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>>>>> --
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>>>>> Ubuntu-SG at lists.ubuntu.com
>>>>> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-sg
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