[Ubuntu-SG] Speaker Request for NUS SFD, 19 Sept 2008 @ NUS
Chen Xiangpeng
xp at xp.sg
Tue Sep 2 06:56:50 UTC 2008
Hi K Sitt,
You are already at the right place to contact the local ubuntu people. you
can try the SLUG mailing list for linux in general.
As for the ND part, I think it doesn't apply to the creator or the owning
organisation (i might be wrong here). I personally think that the actual
license choice will only be made after we consulted Canonical. I am
personally ok if we drop the ND.
On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 2:52 PM, K Sitt <k at sitt.com.sg> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am new to this mailing list.
> 1) . I was scanning through the mailing list, and read about the licensing
> of the logo under *CC BY-NC-ND*, I think I feel it is too strict a license
> if we put ND. That would mean even if we create other branding items based
> on the same logo, we, ourselves will be violating our terms. (although we
> wont be suing ourselves).
> But ultimately the creators can always change the licensing terms, so it
> probably is not a concern.
> 2). I am a grad student in NUS, and I would like to know who I should
> contact for Ubuntu user group or linux and OSS in general?
> K
> On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 2:47 PM, C David Rigby <c.david.rigby at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hello Heidir,
>> Possibly mentioning or demoing Wubi (http://wubi-installer.org/)?
>> Personally, I think this is an even better way to try Ubuntu from a Windows
>> host than either a VM or a LiveCD.
>> Regards
>> CDR
>> On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 2:40 PM, Muhammad Heidir Abd M <
>> dave33bravo at yahoo.com.sg> wrote:
>>> Hi XP,
>>> Will be great to talk about Wine, Problem is I have never used Wine
>>> before. Anyone knows about Wine and willing to contribute? Can always add
>>> more topics into my slide.
>>> Heidir
>>> ----- Original Message ----
>>> From: Chen Xiangpeng <xp at xp.sg>
>>> To: Muhammad Heidir Abd M <dave33bravo at yahoo.com.sg>
>>> Cc: C David Rigby <c.david.rigby at gmail.com>; ubuntu-sg at lists.ubuntu.com
>>> Sent: Tuesday, 2 September 2008 14:21:33
>>> Subject: Re: [Ubuntu-SG] Speaker Request for NUS SFD, 19 Sept 2008 @ NUS
>>> Hi,
>>> Might be a bit OT here:
>>> I've read thru your slides. I think they're great. I got a lil suggestion
>>> though. You might wanna talk about Wine in your presentation. I believe that
>>> if you can convince people that they can ease their transition pains by
>>> using Wine, I think it'll make the idea of switching a lot more attractive
>>> :)
>>> XP
>>> On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 2:16 PM, Muhammad Heidir Abd M <
>>> dave33bravo at yahoo.com.sg> wrote:
>>>> Hi guys,
>>>> So who could give a talk? This is where we could shine some light. I am
>>>> willing to take my time for the event, show the slides which I have created
>>>> or install some Ubuntu.
>>>> Sample presentation:
>>>> http://www.scribd.com/doc/5261323/Team-Ubuntu-Singapore-Presentation-Draft
>>>> Anyone?
>>>> Heidir
>>>> ----- Original Message ----
>>>> From: C David Rigby <c.david.rigby at gmail.com>
>>>> To: ubuntu-sg at lists.ubuntu.com
>>>> Sent: Tuesday, 2 September 2008 13:00:36
>>>> Subject: [Ubuntu-SG] Speaker Request for NUS SFD, 19 Sept 2008 @ NUS
>>>> Greetings Team Ubuntu Singapore,
>>>> Since I learned of your groups existence a couple of weeks ago, I've
>>>> been meaning to join up. Ubuntu is my primary desktop GNU/Linux, so this is
>>>> the place for me!
>>>> Through our site http://softwarefreedomday.sg (thanks for the link on
>>>> your homepage!) I've received a contact from Dang Thanh Son, the Sun Campus
>>>> Ambassador @ NUS. He is helping with the NUS SFD event which will take place
>>>> Friday 19 Sept 2008 from 13:00 until 17:00 (details here:
>>>> http://softwarefreedomday.org/teams/SOSUMNUS).. He writes:
>>>> My name is Dang Thanh Son, Sun Campus Ambassador. We are also
>>>> celebrating SFD at NUS but on Fri 19 Sept 08. I would like to invite one
>>>> person from Linux user groups to come down to give a talk about Linux at
>>>> 3-4pm on Fri 19 Sept?
>>>> We corresponded a bit, and I posted his request to the LMGS and
>>>> sfds2008 at googlegroups..com <sfds2008 at googlegroups.com> lists. No one
>>>> responded, so I asked him what would be acceptable topics. I proposed two,
>>>> related topics, both of which he said were fine:
>>>> - Would a talk on the topic of "Trying Linux" be OK? That is a topic
>>>> that I might be able to get a speaker for, and it provides a good "hands on"
>>>> presentation. The audience could try using Linux during the talk.. The
>>>> audience members would have to bring their own laptops, of course, but we
>>>> might be able to come up with some Live CDs.
>>>> - Would an Ubuntu presentation be OK? We have a an active Ubuntu
>>>> group here. Their focus is specifically Ubuntu, and I would expect their
>>>> presentation to be oriented towards promoting Ubuntu.
>>>> The latter point was made specifically with TUGS in mind. I wanted to
>>>> make sure that something like that would be OK before I asked here.
>>>> Is anyone interested in doing this?
>>>> I'd love to help them out, as well as promote TUGS, Ubuntu, & SFD in
>>>> general. I am trying to avoid volunteering for a presentation myself due to
>>>> my involvement in preparations for LMGS's SFD event at SMU. As well, I have
>>>> to fly out of Singapore a few hours after the SFD event on 20 Sept.
>>>> Regardless, let me know what you think. If I cannot find a speaker for
>>>> him, then I may try to manage it myself. My wife won't be too happy, but
>>>> she'll have 12 hours on the plane to Italy, Saturday night/Sunday morning,
>>>> to express herself... (8->
>>>> Regards
>>>> C David Rigby
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