[Ubuntu-SG] [Bulk] Re: [Fwd: [Bulk] [Singapore Ubuntu Team] Comment: "10 Reasons Why Ubuntu Linux is Better Than Microsoft Windows OS"]

Muhammad Heidir dave33bravo at yahoo.com.sg
Sun Aug 17 14:53:45 UTC 2008

Hi Rykel,

Thank you for your quick reply. I'll write an email to the user. I don't
think I should delete it, let's wait for a few more days and let more
people read about his comments. Do you think that is ok?

Anyway, we had a great meeting last Friday, but we still need to sort
out some more issues on focusing our limited resource. Total of 5 of us
came for the meeting, John, Billy, Su Haw, (I can't remember his name,
but I think) Chen Xiangpeng and me (Heidir). We discussed about changing
the name Singapore Ubuntu Team to Team Ubuntu Singapore, provide more
content on Ubuntu.sg, and have a facelift with the new contents, and
focus our resources on what to achieve and identity that we want to
place in the OSS scene in Singapore.

Need your guidance on the email which I will sent to the user. Here is
the suggested content:

Hi bjb_nyj101,

Thank you for your comments. May I suggest to you that your argument be
placed on other Linux website which has a forum and a proper channel for
debates? This website is specifically to PROMOTE Linux within Singapore.
I have also added notes stating that this views are not general views,
is not comprehensive and compared against Ubuntu 8.04 LTS - Hardy Heron
version. There are other Linux distributions available on the Internet
and can work better than Ubuntu.

Best Regards,

On Sun, 2008-08-17 at 22:17 +0800, Rykel™ (Aen™) wrote:
> This is definitely a legitimate user's feedback, from what I see.
> However, he/she is also a potential troublemaker who believes that
> Linux owes him/her a living and I sense that his/her spirit is
> argumentative, which then turns a real feedback into a flame.
> My suggestion is to just delete it for now and write a private note to
> him/her that we are here to PROMOTE Linux, not debate Linux. There are
> other places on the net for those issues.
> Having said that, it is critical that you and I take note of these
> things and if you have programming experience, to contribute solutions
> to the upstream if possible.
> btw, I met Firdaz from the OSCC Malaysia over the weekend! (Thanks
> Nicholas)
> Best Regards,
> Rykel™
> +65 8400 2102 (Singapore)

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